Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 3/13/97
Summary: Comments 166 through 169
Author: CPS - Central Processing System (CPS)

Posted March 13, 1997

To: EDE Destination Points
From: CPS Customer Service
RE: Comments 166 through 169

CPS Customer Service has received calls from schools who are
concerned about the apparent excessive number of comment codes
166 though 169. These comment codes relate to the earned income
credit (EIC) being inconsistent with the information reported for the
martial status and the number of family members.

These comment codes are generated when the applicant puts an
excessive EIC amount in FAFSA question 71. For the 1997-98
FAFSA, question 71 refers to the 1996 1040 tax form line 54 which
is the earned income credit.

CPS Customer Service reviewed several applications with schools
who called. Based on that review, we determined applicants appear
to be reporting information using their 1995 tax form line 54 which
is the total tax paid. The amount for total tax paid can look excessive
for an EIC so comments 166 through 169 are being triggered.

Please contact CPS Customer Service at 1-800-330-5947, option 8 if
you have further questions.