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Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
Virtual Tour Stop 8
Tour Stop Number 8
Sarah Cunningham
West Battlefield Overlook, site of the advance and retreat of Lyon's army
This unnamed northern spur of Bloody Hill was the scene of the beginning and the end of the Battle of Wilson’s Creek. About 5 a.m. on August 10, Colonel DeWitt C. Hunter and his 300 Missouri State Guard cavalrymen formed a line of battle here to oppose Lyon’s advance. Hunter’s outnumbered force was quickly driven off, and Lyon pushed on to the crest of Bloody Hill. 
About 11:30 a.m., Major Samuel Sturgis, the new Union commander after Lyon’s death, gave orders for the units on Bloody Hill to withdraw, and shortly afterward Union troops retreated across this field, headed back to Springfield.
To the southeast is the Ray House (left center of photo), which can be seen on a clear day.
Missouri State Guardsmen  

Did You Know?
Most members of the Missouri State Guard fought in civilian clothes rather than military uniforms at Wilson's Creek.

Last Updated: February 07, 2007 at 10:03 EST