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About OCM Print E-mail
The Organization for Competitive Markets is a national non-profit, public policy research organization headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska. OCM believes we must work together, across all commodities, toward the common purpose of returning our food and agriculture sector to true supply-demand based competition. Antitrust, competition and fair trade are important, but nonpartisan, issues in farm and ranch country, reflecting our diverse membership from all parties. Competitive markets in agriculture is our goal, giving rise to the organization's name. This concern transcends to the international level as international trade agreements threaten our national sovereignty while increasing the market power of global agri-businesses.

OCM's Mission

Former President Theodore Roosevelt, whose likeness graces our masthead, was known as the original Trust Buster, advocating and enforcing the first antitrust laws and reinvigorating true competition and entrepreneurship. OCM seeks to reinvigorate his legacy of antitrust law and competition policy. Reclaiming competitive markets in agriculture for farmers, ranchers and rural communities is our goal for America. True competition reduces the need for economic regulation. Our mission, and our duty, is to define and advocate the proper role of government in the agricultural economy as a regulator and enforcer of rules necessary for markets that are fair, honest, accessible, and competitive for all citizens.

OCM's Publications and Events

OCM undertakes an extensive communications program to distribute knowledge and information about true free market principals in the American tradition. OCM's monthly newsletter chronicles important events and distributes new ideas relating to competition and trade. OCM staff appear on weekly radio programs in farm country to discuss and comment upon current events. Meetings are held or attended regularly in which OCM staff and members speak on regulatory, policy, and litigation topics relating to monopoly, concentration, vertical integration, market deception and unfairness.

OCM's Funding

Funding comes from membership dues, foundations, businesses and individuals. OCM is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

OCM's Members and Supporters

Membership in the OCM is open to anyone who subscribes to its mission. Members and supporters include producers of cattle, corn, soybeans, wheat, hogs, vegetables, and other crops. Policy makers, academics, lawyers and businessmen are an important part of our support base.

How to Label OCM

OCM is a membership based research and advocacy organization. We are the only national think tank focusing only upon antitrust and trade policy in agriculture. We are "pro- business" because we believe in free markets and the law of supply and demand to allocate resources properly. We are "conservative" because we view American values such as honesty and morality should be demanded of our businesses and politicians. We are "liberal" because we believe government has a regulatory role to create and enforce the rules of doing business, thereby avoiding crony capitalism. We are "populist" because we have determined our nation is made economically and culturally wealthy by preserving the ability of independent families to produce our food without fear of the economically dominant firms in agribusiness.