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Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines - Meeting, February 2, 2009


Jerry Avila of the United States Small Business Administration

Jeanne Harper, CEDAPP ChairThe Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines (CEDAPP) held a community meeting, which took place on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 6:00PM. The meeting was held at the Pollock Pines Community Center in rural El Dorado County, California. There were approximately 30 local business and community leaders in attendance to hear the presentations and participate in the discussion. The objective of the meeting was to develop and maintain an environment that will improve the economic prosperity of the community and enhance the quality of life of its citizens. Jeanne Harper, Chair of CEDAPP hosted the meeting and gave overview of local business and important community dates. This evening’s special guest speakers were Mr. George Tastard of the United States Department of Commerce and Mr. Jerry Avila of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA).

County Supervisor Ray NuttingThe meeting began with Mr. Ray Nutting, County Supervisor of the El Dorado County district 2, who gave an overview and update of the Pollock Pines Community Park. Mr. Jerry Avila followed and gave an overview of the international financial support the SBA can offer small to medium size firms through loan guarantees and similar programs. Next to speak was Mr. George Tastard who prognosticates and distinguished 2009 global sales opportunities for local businesses in the face of a declining domestic GDP. Tastard discussed export programs available through the U.S. Commercial Service to local businesses. Programs highlighted: Gold Key Service, Trade Missions, CeBIT trade show, Catalogue Exhibition Shows as well as Free Trade Agreements and how local businesses can utilize them. In closing, Tastard spoke briefly on wine export potential.  The floor was then opened up to questions and answers directed to both presenters for the next 15 minutes.

Sacramento USEAC Director George TastardThe Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center is happy to report that due to this meeting we are now working with one new client and have solidified the relationship of the rural partnership with the Community Economic Development Association of Pollock Pines. 

If you would like to know more about the services provided by the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center, please feel free to contact Director George Tastard, who's contact information is listed below. As your local U.S. Commercial Service representative, he is more than happy to meet with you and discuss how to meet your needs.

U.S. Commercial Service

George Tastard, Director
Sacramento US Export Assistance Center
US Commercial Service
US Department of Commerce
1410 Ethan Way
Sacramento CA  95825
Tel: 916-566-7170
Fax: 916-566-7123