Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: July
PublicationTitle: Entrance Counseling Guide for Borrowers
PublicationYear: 1997

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[[This file contains the "1997 Entrance Counseling Guide for Borrowers" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Please Scroll down to see a text version of this document.]]

Entrance Counseling Guide for Borrowers


Your William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans are made directly to you by the U.S.Department of Education (ED) through the school(s) you attend. ED is your lender and will remain your lender throughout the life of your Direct Loans. Your payments will go to ED’s Direct Loan Servicing Center (Servicing Center). Although the Department has several Servicing Center locations (with separate addresses and toll-free telephone numbers), you’ll always have only one Servicing Center to deal with, even if you take out several Direct Loans or transfer from one school to another.

While the Servicing Center will oversee your loan account until your loans are paid in full, you are the real loan manager because you have the sole responsibility for repaying your loans. This Entrance Counseling Guide for Borrowers (Borrowers’ Guide) contains useful tips to help you develop a budget for managing your education expenses and financial resources. It also provides important information to help
you manage and repay your loans.

This Borrowers’ Guide provides the basic facts about subsidized Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loans (Direct Subsidized Loans) and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans (Direct Unsubsidized Loans) and explains your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.

Please remember, if you have any questions or concerns about your loan, your school’s financial aid office and the Direct Loan Servicing Center are there to help. Once you receive a Direct Loan, you will be notified of your Servicing Center location (the toll-free telephone number and address will appear on all correspondence and monthly statements from the Servicing Center). You should always use that information
when contacting the Servicing Center; however, if you should misplace that information, you can call 1-888-447-4460 and you will be routed to the location that services your loan account.

You have taken an important step toward your future. We hope this Borrowers’ Guide will help you successfully manage your education loans.

Facts About Your Direct Loans

What are Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans?
Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans are made to students attending school at least half-time. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. It delivers the loan money to you through your school.

A student qualifies for a Direct Subsidized Loan based on financial need, as determined under federal regulations. A student’s need is not a factor in determining eligibility for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan. Students may qualify for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan regardless of their or their families’ incomes. It is possible for a student to have a Direct Subsidized Loan and a Direct Unsubsidized Loan for the same
award year.

All of your Direct Loans will be in one account, making repayment
easier. You (or your parents) will have only one account, one monthly payment, and one point of contact for all of your loans.

How much can I borrow?
For Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans, you are subject to annual and aggregate (combined total) loan limits on the basis of the following:

- your academic level (freshman, sophomore, and so on),

- your status as a dependent student or an independent student, and

- the length of the academic program in which you are enrolled.

The chart on the next page will help you determine the annual and aggregate amounts you are eligible to borrow.

What are the interest rates?
The interest rates for both Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized
Loans are variable and are adjusted once a year, on July 1. The rate will never exceed 8.25 percent for students. For parents the maximum rate is 9 percent.

Before the beginning of the repayment period and during authorized periods of deferment (see pages 8 and 9), the interest rate is equal
to the 91-day Treasury bill rate plus 2.5 percent.

[[This file contains the table, "Direct Loan Program: Undergraduate Annual Loan Limits" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

Maximum Aggregate (Combined Total) Loan Amounts

Borrower’s Academic Level Subsidized and Unsubsidized**

Dependent Undergraduate Student $23,000
Independent Undergraduate Student $46,000
Graduate or Professional Student $138,500

**Includes all amounts owed by the borrower under the Federal Stafford (non-Direct) Loan and Federal Supple-mental Loans for Students (SLS) Programs. (Note: The SLS Program expired on June 30, 1994.)

For Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans in repayment, the
interest rate is equal to the 91-day Treasury bill rate plus 3.1 percent.

If you have a Direct Subsidized Loan, the federal government does not charge you interest while you are enrolled in school at least half-time, during the six-month grace period, or during deferments.

If you have a Direct Unsubsidized Loan, interest will be charged beginning the day the loan is paid (disbursed) to you until the day the
loan is repaid in full. You may pay the accumulating interest while
you are in school, during the grace period, or during deferment, or
you have the option of capitalizing the interest. Whichever option you
choose, you are responsible for paying the full amount of all interest
on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan.

[[This file contains table, "Example: Capitalizing Interest" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

What is capitalizing interest?
Capitalizing interest means adding unpaid, accumulated interest to the principal balance of a loan (that is, to the total amount borrowed). The borrower of a Direct Unsubsidized Loan has the choice of paying the interest on an ongoing basis or having the interest capitalized. Unpaid
interest will be capitalized whenever your borrower status changes-for instance, when you enter repayment.

Interest costs on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan begin accumulating the date the loan money is disbursed and continue to accumulate until the principal and interest are paid in full. Capitalizing interest is a way to postpone making interest payments. Keep in mind that capitalization also increases the total cost of your loan.

If you choose to have the interest on your loan capitalized, the total amount you repay will be greater than if you pay the interest while you are in school, during the grace period or during deferment. The example above shows what happens if you pay the interest on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan on an ongoing basis and what happens if you allow it to be capitalized.

What is the loan fee?
The loan fee is another expense of borrowing a Direct Loan. The loan fee charged for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans is 4 percent of the amount you borrow. The loan fee is subtracted from the loan money before it is disbursed to you.

What are my repayment options?
You have four repayment options:

Standard Repayment Plan

With Standard repayment, you will make a fixed payment of at least $50 a month for up to 10 years. For some borrowers, this plan results in the lowest total interest paid because the repayment period is shorter than it would be under the other plans. In general, the shorter the repayment period, the lower the total interest expense for the borrower.

Extended Repayment Plan

Under Extended repayment, you will still have minimum monthly payments of $50, but you can take from 12 to 30 years to repay your loans. The length of your repayment period will depend on the total amount you owe when your loans go into repayment. (See the box below.) Because you take more than 10 years to repay your loans, your monthly payment will
be less than if you choose Standard repayment. However, the total amount you repay will be greater because you will pay more interest.

Graduated Repayment Plan

With Graduated repayment, your payments start out at one level, then increase every two years. The repayment period varies from 12 to 30 years and depends on the total amount of Direct Loans you owe when your loans go into repayment. (See the box below.) If your income is low when you leave school but is likely to increase steadily over time, this might be the best plan for you.

Income Contingent Repayment Plan

This plan gives you the flexibility to meet your Direct Loan obligations without causing undue financial hardship. Each year, your monthly payment amount will be calculated on the basis of your annual Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and the total amount of your Direct Loans.
Graduated/Extended Repayment Table
To participate in the Income Contingent Repayment Plan, you must authorize the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to release information about your income to the U.S. Department of Education.
This information will be used to calculate and adjust your repayment
amount annually.

If your payments do not cover the accumulated interest on your loans, the unpaid interest will be capitalized once each year until it reaches a maximum of 10 percent of the original amount you owed when your loans entered repayment. After you reach this maximum, interest will continue to accrue and be payable, but will no longer be capitalized. The additional interest will increase the amount you owe and may extend your re-payment period. (This limit on capitalization does not apply to
periods of deferment and forbearance.)

[[This file contains table, "Graduated/Extended Repayment Table" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

The maximum repayment period is 25 years. If you make payments under the Standard Repayment Plan or the Extended Repayment Plan and then switch to the Income Contingent Repayment Plan, all of these periods are counted toward your 25-year repayment period. If you have not fully repaid your loans after 25 years under Income Contingent Repayment, the unpaid portion will be discharged (canceled). However, you will have to pay taxes on the amount discharged.

If you do not choose a repayment plan, your loans will be placed in the Standard Repayment Plan. If none of the repayment plans meet your needs because you have exceptional circumstances, the Direct Loan Servicing Center may provide an alternative repayment plan.

Can I combine my loans to make repayment easier?
Yes--you might want to consider a Federal Direct Consolidation Loan
to simplify repaying your loans. Any Direct Subsidized Loans, subsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Guaranteed Student Loans (GSLs),
Federal Insured Student Loans (FISLs), Federal Perkins Loans, National Direct Student Loans, National Defense Student Loans, subsidized Federal Consolidation Loans, and other Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loans can be combined into one Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loan.

Any Direct Unsubsidized Loans, unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Federal Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS), Auxiliary Loans to Assist Students (ALAS), Health Professions Student Loans (HPSLs), Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL), Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS), Nursing Loans made under Subpart II of Part B of Title VIII of Public Services Health Act, Federal Consolidation Loans, and
other Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loans can be combined into one Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loan.

For more information about Direct Consolidation Loans or in-school
consolidation, contact your financial aid office or call ED’s Consolidation toll-free number, 1-800-557-7392.

When do I begin repayment?
After you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment,
you have six months before you must begin repayment. This is called a grace period. If you return to school at least half-time before that six month period ends, you may postpone repayment while you are in school. The repayment of your Direct Subsidized Loan or Direct Unsubsidized Loan will again be delayed for six months following the day you graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment. If you enroll at another school, you must contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center and/or the lender or servicer of any federal student loans (including FFEL Program loans) you may have to obtain deferments (see next section).

If you have a Direct Subsidized Loan, you will not be charged interest
during grace periods or while you are enrolled in school at least
half-time. If you have a Direct Unsubsidized Loan, you will be responsible for paying interest during in-school or grace periods, unless you choose to have the interest capitalized.

Note: The first actual payment is due within 60 days after the grace
period ends.

You will receive more detailed information about repayment during exit

Can I prepay my loan?
Yes--you may prepay all or part of the unpaid balance on a loan at any time without penalty. If you have more than one Direct Loan, be sure to specify which loan you are prepaying.

What if I have problems repaying my loan?
If you have a problem making a payment on your loan as scheduled, contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center immediately. The Servicing Center will work with you to help you avoid the costs and adverse consequences of delinquency, which could result in default on your Direct Loans. Deferment and forbearance are options that can help you avoid default. These postponement options are described in detail in the segments that follow.
Direct Loan Program: Undergraduate Annual Loan Limits


A deferment allows you to temporarily postpone payment on your loans.
During deferment of Direct Subsidized Loans, principal payments are
postponed, and interest is not charged. In the case of Direct Unsubsidized Loans, principal payments are postponed, but interest is charged during the deferment period. The interest may be paid monthly or you may choose to have it capitalized (see page 4).

Deferments may be available to you if you are:

- pursuing at least half-time study at an eligible school;

- in a graduate fellowship program approved by the U.S. Department of

- in a rehabilitation training program, for individuals with
disabilities, approved by the U.S. Department of Education;

- conscientiously seeking but unable to find full-time employment
(for up to three years); or

- experiencing economic hardship (for up to three years).

These deferments apply to all Direct Loans.

Other deferments may be available to you as a Direct Loan borrower. If, at the time you obtain a Direct Loan, you have an outstanding balance on a Federal Stafford Loan, Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL), Federal Insured Student Loan (FISL), Federal PLUS Loan, Federal
Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS) Loan, Auxiliary Loans to
Assist Students (ALAS) Loan, or Federal Consolidation Loan borrowed before July 1, 1993, you can also defer your Direct Loan:

- while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, in the Commissioned Corps of
the Public Health Service, or in the Peace Corps (for up to three

- while serving as a full-time paid volunteer for the ACTION
programs, or an approved tax-exempt organization (for up to three

- while you are "temporarily totally disabled" according to the
certification of a qualified physician, or while unable to work
because you must care for a spouse or other dependent who is
temporarily totally disabled (for up to three years);

- while serving in an internship or residency required to begin
professional practice (for up to two years);

- while serving in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Corps (for up to three years);

- while teaching full-time in a public or nonprofit private elementary
or secondary school in an area the U.S. Department of Education has
determined to be a teacher shortage area (for up to three years);

- if you are a mother of a preschool-age child and you have entered
or re-entered the workforce within the preceding year in a full-time
position at a salary not more than $1 above the minimum wage (for up
to one year); or

- for parental leave for each period during which you are pregnant,
you are caring for your newborn child, or you are caring for your
newly adopted child (for up to six months). You must be unemployed,
must not be a student, and must apply within six months after you
leave school or drop below half-time status.

To receive a deferment, you must apply for one through the Direct
Loan Servicing Center. Contact the Servicing Center to request a
deferment form. The Servicing Center will send you the form that is
appropriate for your situation.


Forbearance is a temporary postponement or reduction of loan payments for a limited and specified period or an extension of the time you have to make your loan payments. You may qualify for forbearance if you are:

- unable to make loan payments due to poor health or other acceptable
reasons, and you do not meet a deferment condition;

- serving in a medical or dental internship or residency;

- serving in a position under the National and Community Service Trust
Act of 1993; or

- obligated to make payments on federal student loans that are equal to
or greater than 20 percent of your total monthly gross income (for up
to three years).

In a period of forbearance, interest will be charged and, unless it is paid, will be added to the principal balance of your loans (see the description of capitalized interest on page 4). This will increase the amount you owe.

Can my Direct Loan debt ever be discharged (canceled)?
A discharge (cancellation) releases you from all obligation to repay the loans. You can receive a discharge only with proof of:

- total and permanent disability (this cannot be for a condition that
existed at the time you applied for Direct Loans, unless a doctor
certifies that the condition substantially deteriorated after the
loans were made);

- inability to complete a course of study because your school closed
(under certain circumstances) or because your eligibility was
falsely certified by the school;

- bankruptcy (in certain cases); or

- death.

In addition, some loans may not have to be repaid if you claim, as a defense against repayment, that the school did something wrong or failed to do something it should have done. You may make a claim as a defense against repayment only if what the school did or did not do resulted in legal action being taken against the school, under state law.

You may not avoid repaying your loans because you:

- did not complete the program of study at the school (for reasons
other than school closure or false certification of loan

- did not like the school or the program of study; or

- did not obtain employment after completing the program of study.

What happens if I do not repay my loan?
If you fail to make loan payments on time or if you default on your
loans, the consequences are serious:

- The entire unpaid balance and accrued interest on your loan would be
immediately due and payable.

- You will lose your deferment options.

- You will not be eligible for further federal student financial aid.

- Your account may be turned over to a collection agency, increasing
your total debt by late fees, additional interest, court costs,
collection fees, attorney’s fees, and other costs.

- Your debt will be reported to credit bureaus as delinquent, which
may damage your credit rating.

- The federal government can take your federal tax refunds.

- Your employer, at the request of the federal government, can
withhold (garnish) part of your wages and give them to the
federal government.

- The federal government can take legal action against you.

Don’t let any of these happen to you!

Remember, if you are having trouble making your payments, call the Direct Loan Servicing Center. The Servicing Center will work with you to help you avoid default.

What are my responsibilities while I am in school?
While enrolled in school, you must notify your school’s financial aid
office if any of the following events takes place:

- You reduce your enrollment status to less than half-time.

- You withdraw from school.

- You stop attending classes.

- You fail to reenroll for any term.

- You have a change in your expected graduation date.

- You change your name and/or local or permanent address.

What should I do about my loan if I am a transfer student?
If you transfer to another school and you will be enrolled at least
half-time, contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center to request an in-school deferment. (You are not eligible for this deferment if you
are enrolled less than half-time.) When you receive the deferment
form, complete the borrower’s section and submit the form to
your current school. The school will complete the form and return
it to the Servicing Center.

If you still owe money on any other federal student loans (including
Federal Family Education Loans and Federal Perkins Loans), contact your lender or its servicer to get an in-school deferment form. Complete and return the form to your school, which will return it to your lender.
Remember: Keep in contact with the Direct Loan Servicing Center
and other holders of your education loans (if applicable) until all
your loans are repaid.

Budgeting Your Money

Many students start college or career school having had little or no personal experience with loans, credit cards, living expenses, or budgeting. However, understanding and practicing effective money management will help you while you are in school and might also help you more successfully manage your money after you leave school.

What is budgeting?
Budgeting is the process of planning for the most effective use of your financial resources by defining your expected monthly expenses (such as rent, groceries, telephone, and student loan payments) and the resources you expect to have available (such as your earnings) to pay those expenses.

How does the school calculate my cost of attendance?
When your school determined your federal financial aid award, it used a standard budget to estimate the expenses you would incur while attending school. This expense estimate is referred to as your cost of attendance (COA). The school’s COA must meet federal government requirements for estimating students’ expenses.

The dollar figure the school used to determine your financial need was equal to the school’s estimated COA minus your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). To determine your eligibility for a Direct Subsidized Loan, the school also subtracted any other financial aid you will be receiving.

COA minus EFC and Other Financial Aid equals Your Loan Eligibility

Eligibility for a Direct Unsubsidized Loan is determined differently- your EFC is not taken into account in the calculation.

The school’s COA is likely to be a fairly good estimate of your expenses. However, you might spend more or less than the school estimates on variable expenses. Tuition and fees are fixed costs that are likely to remain the same for the entire school year, but some expenses, such as books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and per-sonal expenses, are variable ones. For example, you might reduce housing expenses by sharing an off-campus apartment with a
roommate or reduce book expenses by purchasing used textbooks.

How can I reduce the amount I need to borrow?
If you can reduce your expenses to an amount less than the school’s estimated COA, you might not need to borrow as much as the school has awarded you. It’s a wise idea to borrow only what you need.

If you borrow less than the school awarded you, you might have lower monthly payments when you repay the loan. This will leave you more money for transportation, housing, and other kinds of expenses associated with beginning your career.

Another way to reduce what you need to borrow is to identify non-loan sources of financial assistance. Some alternatives to borrowing are listed below:

Family and Friends: You might have relatives and friends who are
willing and able to help you. An extra $10 or $15 a week from a
family member or friend can add up over a period of months or

Special Scholarships: Many organizations award special scholarships. It may not be easy to find scholarships for which you qualify; however, the effort you put into finding them can really pay off. Remember, every little bit helps, and these monies do not need to be repaid.
You should check with the financial aid office about institutional
and non-institutional scholarships and how to apply for them.

Some other places to look for ideas and assistance on scholarships

- library reference books and computer programs,

- your employer or your parents’ employers, and

- civic and social organizations to which you or your relatives

Part-Time Employment: A sure way to help pay for college and avoid excess borrowing is to work part-time. Three reasons to opt for
part-time employment are:

- Studies show that students who work while going to school do better
in their courses than students who don’t work.

- Working can provide you with valuable experience and skills needed
for a career.

- A part-time job provides a steady income that can help pay for rent,
groceries, and other expenses.

How do I set up my budget?
The worksheet on page 17 will help you create a budget for school expenses and assess the resources you have to meet those expenses.

After establishing a budget, you need to monitor your actual expenditures so that you can make any needed adjustments in
your spending before finding yourself in a financial crisis.

The three main steps in creating an in-school budget are:

1. Calculate your total expenses.
First, estimate your total yearly expenses. Tuition and fees are
fixed cost items, but costs such as books and supplies are variable and can be more easily reduced. Your total yearly expenses can be calculated on the basis of 9 months or 12 months.

- If you live on campus and go home for the summer, a 9-month budget
might be more appropriate.

- If you are a commuting student who works year-round, a 12-month
budget might be the most useful.

When using the worksheet, remember that all the expenses and resources you are comparing should be for the same period of time, 9 months or
12 months.

To determine your expenses, you will need to begin by compiling basic financial information. Your checkbook, school bills, and other monthly bills are a good place to start.

Keep a day-to-day record of other expenses, such as personal items, clothing, and entertainment, for a month or so to help you to make reasonable estimates.

2. Calculate your total resources (income).
To estimate your total available income for the year, you will need
to consider all of your resources. In calculating your resources, use
the same year length that you used when figuring your expenses--either 9 months or 12 months.

- Include family assistance, grants and scholarships, savings,
earnings, loans, and any other income.

- If you work during summer vacation, you should include savings from
those earnings as a part of your resources for the next year.

Your financial aid award letter, pay stubs, and bank account statements
will help you calculate your available resources.

3. Determine the balance.
The difference between your available resources and your expenses (resources minus expenses) determines your balance. Figuring the balance helps you determine if you need all the money you are allowed to borrow.

If your balance is a negative dollar amount--in other words, your
resources are less than your expenses--then explore possible new financial resources and reevaluate your expenses to determine how they can be reduced. Many expenses depend on individual life-styles and can be adjusted to reflect your available resources. For instance:

- It might be less expensive to live at home with your parents than to
move into campus housing.

- If you live off campus, it will be less expensive to share housing
with roommates than live alone.

- Cooking in can be inexpensive compared to eating meals out.

If your total resources are greater than your total expenses--in other
words, the balance is a positive dollar amount--then you should see your school’s financial aid administrator about the possibility
of reducing your loan amount, even if you have already received
some of the money. Remember that if you can lower the amount
you borrow now, you will have less to repay later.

[[This file contains "Budget Planning Worksheet" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

Review of Critical Information

The following questions are designed to help you review what you have learned about Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans. Answers to some of these questions can be found in your promissory note and in
the borrower’s rights and responsibilities summary statement in this Borrowers’ Guide. Write your answers below or on a separate piece of paper, then check your answers with the key at the foot of the page.

1. What is the interest rate on my Direct Loan(s)?

2. What is the total amount of Direct Loans I have borrowed?
Direct Subsidized Loan ...................$ _____________
Direct Unsubsidized Loan .................$ _____________
Total ........................................ $ _____________

3. Name three reasons that loan deferments would be granted.

4. The grace period for my loan(s) is ___ months.

5. When does my grace period begin?

6. As a Direct Loan borrower, if I transfer to another school, I should
do the following:

7. When is a borrower charged interest on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan?

8. When will I begin repaying my Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized

Answer Key

1. The interest rate will never exceed 8.25 percent, but the actual
percentage rate may change each year on July 1.

2. See your Loan History Worksheet, your disclosure statement(s), or
your most recent statement from the Direct Loan Servicing Center.

3. See the Deferment section of this brochure.

4. Six.

5. The day after I graduate or drop below half-time enrollment status.

6. Contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center to request a loan deferment
form and apply for a deferment.

7. Interest is charged on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan throughout the
life of the loan--while the borrower is in school, from the day of
disbursement, during the six-month grace period, and during periods
of deferment and forbearance.

8. The repayment period begins the day after my grace period ends. My
first payment will be due within 60 days after the grace period

[[This file contains "Loan History Worksheet" in Portable Document Format (PDF). It can be viewed with version 3.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.]]

Important Things You Should Find Out

- What is the average indebtedness and average monthly payment amount
for all students who have borrowed Direct Loans to attend my school
or enroll in my program of study?

- Where can I find a copy of my school’s refund and repayment policies?

- Where can I find a copy of my school’s standards of satisfactory
academic progress?

- Where should I report address and name changes to update my official
records at my school?

- What is the telephone number of my school’s financial aid office?

- How and when will my school make Direct Loan disbursements to me?

- What is the address and toll-free telephone number to the U.S.
Department of Education’s Direct Loan Servicing Center location that
services my loan account? (See any correspondence you receive from
the Servicing Center.)

- What is the address where prepayments or interest payments are sent?
(See your billing statements.)

Rights and Responsibilities Summary Checklist

I understand that I have a right to the following (check off each box as you read)

_ written information on my loan obligations and information on my
rights and responsibilities as a borrower

_ a grace period and an explanation of what this means

_ a disclosure statement, received before I begin to repay my loan,
that includes information about interest rates, fees, the balance I
owe, and the number of payments

_ deferment of repayment for certain defined periods, if I qualify and
if I request it

_ forbearance, if I qualify and if I request it

_ prepayment of my loan in whole or in part any time without an
early-repayment penalty

_ a copy of my promissory note either before or at the time my loan is

_ documentation that my loan(s) are paid in full I understand I am
responsible for

_ attending exit counseling before I leave school or drop below
half-time enrollment

_ repaying my loan even if I do not complete my academic program
(under certain circumstances), I am dissatisfied with the education
I received, or I am unable to find employment after I graduate

_ notifying my school and the Direct Loan Servicing Center if I

_ move/change my address

_ change my name

_ withdraw from school or drop below half-time enrollment

_ transfer to another school

_ fail to enroll or reenroll in school for the period for which the
loan was intended

_ change my expected date of graduation

_ graduate

- making monthly payments on my loan(s) after I leave school, unless I
have a deferment or a forbearance

_ notifying the U.S. Department of Education’s Direct Loan Servicing
Center of anything that might alter my eligibility for an existing

I have received entrance counseling materials for Direct Subsidized Loan and Direct Unsubsidized Loan borrowers. I have read and I understand my rights and responsibilities as a borrower. I also understand that, as a condition of this loan, I must attend classes and make satisfactory academic progress as defined by my school.

I understand that I am receiving a loan from the federal government that must be repaid.

_______________________________ _____________________
Student’s Name (Please Print) Social Security Number
_______________________________ ____________________
Student’s Signature Date

Common Loan Terms

academic year The measure of the academic work to be accomplished
by a student each year as defined by the school. For
instance, at a school that uses terms, the academic
year must contain at least 30 weeks of instructional
time in which a full-time student is expected to
complete at least 24 semester or trimester hours,
36 quarter hours, or 900 clock hours.

borrower Person responsible for repaying a loan who has signed
and agreed to the terms in the promissory note.

capitalizing interest Adding unpaid accumulated interest to the loan
principal. Capitalizing interest increases the
principal amount of the loan and, therefore, the
total cost of the loan.

default Failure to repay a loan in accordance with the terms
of the promissory note.

deferment The temporary postponement of loan payments.

delinquency This occurs when payments are late or missed, as
specified in the terms of the promissory note and the selected repayment plan.

disbursement When loan proceeds are paid by the school to the
student or parent borrower.

discharge (cancellation) The release of borrowers from their obligations to repay their Direct Loans. Borrowers
must meet certain requirements to be eligible for

disclosure statement Statement of the actual cost of a loan,
including the interest costs and the loan fee.

Direct Loan Servicing Center The U.S. Department of Education’s
agent contracted to collect Direct Loans and handle
deferments, repayment options, and consolidation.

Federal Direct Loan Program The William D. Ford Federal Direct
Loan Program, also referred to as Direct Loan Program
Loan Program, is a federal program that provides
loans to student and parent borrowers directly
through the U.S. Department of Education. The loans
are Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans, Federal
Direct PLUS Loans, and Federal Direct Consolidation

Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loan Also referred to as Direct
Subsidized Loan. A federally financed and subsidized
Stafford/Ford Loan student loan made on the basis of
the student’s financial need and other specific
eligibility requirements. The federal government does
not charge interest on these loans while borrowers
are enrolled at least half-time, during a six-month
grace period, or during authorized periods of deferment.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Also referred to as
Direct Unsubsidized Loan. A federally financed
student loan made to students meeting specific
eligibility requirements. Interest is charged
throughout the life of the loan. The borrower may
choose to pay the interest charged on the loan or
allow the interest to be capitalized (added to the
loan principal).

forbearance An arrangement to postpone or reduce a borrower’s
monthly payment amount for a limited and specified
period, or to extend the repayment period. The
borrower is charged interest during a forbearance.

grace period A six-month period before the first payment must be
made on a Direct Subsidized or Direct Unsubsidized
Loan. The grace period starts the day after a
borrower ceases to be enrolled at least half-time.
During the grace period on a Direct Unsub-sidized
Loan, accumulating interest must be paid or it will
be capitalized.

interest A loan expense charged by the lender and paid by the
borrower for the use of borrowed money. The expense
is calculated as a percentage of the principal amount
(loan amount) borrowed.

loan Money borrowed that must be repaid.

loan fee An expense of borrowing deducted proportionately from
each loan disbursement.

loan postponement See deferment and forbearance.

loan principal The total sum of money borrowed.

prepayment Any amount paid on a loan by the borrower before it
is required to be paid under the terms of the
promissory note. There is never a penalty for
prepaying principal or interest on Direct Loans.

promissory note A legally binding contract between a lender and a
borrower. The promissory note contains the terms and
conditions of the loan, including how and when the
loan must be repaid.

repayment schedule A statement provided by the Direct Loan
Servicing Center to the borrower that lists the
amount borrowed, the amount of monthly payments, and
the date payments are due.

variable interest Rate of interest on a loan that is tied to a
stated index and changes annually every July 1 as the
index changes.

Rights and Responsibilities Summary Checklist

I understand that I have a right to the following (check off each box as you read)

- written information on my loan obligations and information on my
rights and responsibilities as a borrower

- a grace period and an explanation of what this means

- a disclosure statement, received before I begin to repay my loan,
that includes information about interest rates, fees, the balance I
owe, and the number of payments

- deferment of repayment for certain defined periods, if I qualify and
if I request it

- forbearance, if I qualify and if I request it

- prepayment of my loan in whole or in part any time without an
early-repayment penalty

- a copy of my promissory note either before or at the time my loan is

- documentation that my loan(s) are paid in full

I understand I am responsible for

- attending exit counseling before I leave school or drop below
half-time enrollment

- repaying my loan even if I do not complete my academic program
(under certain circumstances), I am dissatisfied with the education
I received, or I am unable to find employment after I graduate

- notifying my school and the Direct Loan Servicing Center if I

- move/change my address

- change my name

- withdraw from school or drop below half-time enrollment

- transfer to another school

- fail to enroll or reenroll in school for the period for which
the loan was intended

- change my expected date of graduation

- graduate

- making monthly payments on my loan(s) after I leave school,
unless I have a deferment or a forbearance

- notifying the U.S. Department of Education’s Direct Loan Servicing
Center of anything that might alter my eligibility for an existing