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Green Trade Network Summit, September 19, 2008

When: Friday, Sep. 19, 2008
8:00 AM  - 5:00 PM

Where: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk @ Cocoanut Grove
400 Beach Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

The  Green revolution commands a global effort from both business and government.  Cleaning the air in China is just as  important as it is in California.  As all  countries are connected through our environment,  we also need to collaborate with our Green technologies, products, services and resources to meet the challenge of  global warming. This global strategy will grow our companies and at the same time improve our respective economies.

The Green Trade Network Summit will bring  experts and companies from around the world from both the public and private  sectors. They will discuss, present, network and exchange ideas on how we can Green the  world and grow our businesses through trade and investment.

The Green Trade Network Summit will also conduct an exhibit forum that will feature the best of breed in green technologies, services and products from vendors throughout the world.

Admission is $140 per person, with discounts for groups.

For more information, please visit