International Cooperation


-- 08/23/07    Fact Sheet: International Cooperation
-- 08/23/07    Fact Sheet: Technical Support to Global Fund Grants
-- 04/19/05    Remarks to Committee to Evaluate the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ;  Ambassador Randall L. Tobias ,  U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ;  Institute of Medicine, Keck Building ;  Washington, DC
-- 02/17/05    Turning the Tide Against HIV/AIDS
-- 12/01/04    The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Focus on Women and Girls ;  Ambassador Randall L. Tobias ,  U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ;  Remarks to the National Press Club ;  Washington, DC
-- 12/01/04    World AIDS Day Conference ;  Ambassador Randall L. Tobias ,  U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ;  Remarks at the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Capitol Hyatt Hotel ;  Washington, DC
-- 12/01/04    World AIDS Day, 2004 ;  President Bush ,  ;  ;  Washington, DC
-- 11/30/04    AIDS and the Way Forward ;  Ambassador Randall L. Tobias ,  U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ;  Remarks at the Woodrow Wilson Center ;  Washington, DC
-- 11/30/04    Joint Op-ed by Ambassador Tobias and UNAIDS Director Peter Piot ;  ,  ;  Houston Chronicle ;  Washington, DC
-- 06/23/04    President Bush Discusses HIV/AIDS Initiatives in Philadelphia ;  ,  ;  Remarks by the President on Compassion and HIV/AIDS -- People for People ;  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
-- 04/08/04    Joint Statement Issued Regarding Principles for Fixed-Dose Combination Drug Products
-- 04/07/04    Fighting AIDS in Africa: A Progress Report ;  Ambassador Randall L. Tobias ,  U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ;  Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Subcommittee on African Affairs ;  Washington, DC
-- 09/22/03    Presentation at HIV/AIDS Plenary ;  United Nations Headquarters ;  New York City

USA.gov U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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