Federal Student Aid - IFAP
PublicationDate: 9/1/98

The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity

The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity was established under the Higher Education Amendments of 1992 (Public Law 102-325). It is composed of 15 persons appointed by the Secretary of Education from among individuals who are representatives of, or knowledgeable concerning, education and training beyond secondary education, including representatives of all sectors and types of institutions of higher education and representatives of the general public. Members of the committee serve three-year terms.


The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity advises the Secretary of Education on matters related to accreditation and to the process for determining the eligibility and certification of institutions and the provisions of financial aid under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended. Specifically, the Committee--

1. Advises the Secretary with respect to establishment
and enforcement of the standards of accrediting
agencies or associations under Subpart 2 of Part H,
Title IV, of the HEA;

2. Advises the Secretary with respect to the recognition
of a specific accrediting agency or association or a
specific State approval agency;

3. Advises the Secretary with respect to the preparation
and publication of the list of nationally recognized
accrediting agencies and associations;

4. Develops and recommends to the Secretary standards
and criteria for specific categories of vocational
training institutions and institutions of higher
education for which there are no recognized
accrediting agencies, associations, or State
agencies, in order to establish the eligibility of
such institutions on an interim basis for
participation in federally funded programs;

5. Advises the Secretary with respect to the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher
education under Title IV of the HEA, together with
recommendations for improvement in such process;

6. Advises the Secretary with respect to the functions
of the Secretary under Subpart 1 of Part H, relating
to State institutional integrity standards;

7. Advises the Secretary with respect to the
relationship between--

(A) Accreditation of institutions of higher
education and the certification and eligibility of such institutions, and

(B) State licensing responsibilities with respect
to such institutions; and

8. Carries out such other advisory functions relating to accreditation and institutional eligibility as the
Secretary may prescribe.