BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Commission, November 21, 2008


Director George Tastard of the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center gives a presentation on the U.S. Commercial Service at the El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Commission.

The El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Commission took place on Friday, November 21st, 2008 at 1PM. The meeting was held at the Board of Supervisors conference room in Placerville, CA. There were 15 local business and community leaders in attendance to hear the presentations and participate in the discussion. The objective of the forum was to learn about federal government export assistance programs. The event was hosted by Mr. Sam Driggers, director for the Office of Economic Development, El Dorado County.

Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center Director George TastardThe featured speakers took the floor at approximately 1:30PM. The first to speak was Mr. Bill and Mrs. Dee Gunn, owners of El Dorado Wine Storage and Ms. Christy Johnson of Lyon Real Estate. They gave a presentation regarding regulatory reform, including an agriculture support facility in the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The next speaker was Mr. Jerry R. Avila, Regional Manager-Northern California Export Solutions at the Office of International Trade in the U.S. Small Business Administration. Mr. Avila gave a presentation regarding the international financial support the SBA can offer small to medium size firms through loan guarantees and similar programs. Last to speak was Mr. George Tastard, director of the U.S. Export Assistance Center in Sacramento, CA. Tastard prognosticates 2009 global sales opportunities for local businesses in the face of a declining demostic GDP.  Tastard followed with export programs available thru the U.S. Commercial Service to local businesses.  Some of the programs highlighted by Mr. Tastard were the Gold Key Service, Trade Missions, CeBIT trade show, and Catalogue Exhibition Shows. He also highlighted Free Trade Agreements and what they mean to local business owners. In closing, Mr. Tastard spoke briefly on wine export potential.  The floor was then opened up to questions and answers directed at the presenters for the next 10 minutes. El Dorado County Economic Development Advisory Commission

The Sacramento USEAC is happy to report due to this workshop we are now working with one new client and the rural partnership with El Dorado County Economic Development department was also rekindled.