BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 05:15 AM

Access America Directory

Promoting the Services of U.S. Firms to Overseas Investors from China


The pilot launch of this new initiative will promote the services of U.S. firms, organizations, and economic development agencies to companies from China investing in the U.S.

The U.S. Commercial Service’s Access America Directory is an online listing of American service companies that is featured on U.S. Embassy websites in China. This customized business facilitation service is aimed at promoting the services of American companies and organizations to prospective international customers and expand export sales.

How does Access America work?

Companies from China establishing business operations in the U.S. often need assistance with the various legal, financial, logistics, marketing and other aspects of doing business in America.

The Access America Directory is a cost-effective way for American companies based in the U.S to target and promote their services in Chinese to these prospective investors from China and expand export sales. The directory is actively promoted within China as a resource for Chinese companies investing in the U.S.. Directory listings are in English and Chinese.

Look here for an example of how a listing appears.

For Chinese Investing Companies: Is your company seeking professional services to help conduct your business in the United States? Click to access the Chinese language Access America Directory

For U.S. Service Firms: Are you a service company or organization that seeks to reach customers in China doing business or investing in the U.S.? The Access America Directory is a cost-effective way to promote the services offered by your organization directly to prospective customers from China.


  • For a low annual subscription rate, your company’s profile is featured on our U.S. Embassy and Consulate Commercial Service websites in Chinese, and in English on our domestic Commercial Service website.
  • Our 19 China-based offices and partnerships actively promote Access America subscribers to audiences of China global business leaders with the support of active partners with individual U.S. state agencies as part of the U.S. Commerce Department effort to support investment into the U.S. through its Invest in America. Overseas companies and investors doing business see your company’s profile and send inquiries to the Commercial Service.
  • After confirming information about the inquiring firm, we send you the sales lead to follow up.


Fee: $400 for a one-year listing in the Access America Directory. Our webmasters in China and the U.S. will work with you to ensure that your listing meets the needs of your company. We stand behind the quality of our products and services and are committed to providing you with a first-rate customer experience.

Guidelines: Click here to learn about the Access America Guidelines