BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


China IPR Webinar program, October 11, 2007

Join in on the China IPE Wbinar Program Thursday, October 11 from 11am to 12:30pm.  Learn the latest Trends in Brand Protection Strategies in China.  Please join Chris Bailey, Executive (Partner) with Rouse & Co. International and Deputy Country Manager for China, based in Guangzhou in a discussion of the latest trends in devising brand protection strategies, budgets and performance targets, managing major cases, training and cooperation with enforcement authorities and outside agents, working with local business units suppliers and other partners to improve management of IP within your businesses.

The program is free.  No special software or computer configuration is needed to participate; only a phone line and a computer with an Internet connection are necessary.  To register for the September program, please send your contact information to  A registration confirmation, and dial-in/log-in instructions will be sent to you a week before the program.  To learn more about the webinar series, please go to