Strategic Supplements

GAO's strategic supplements provide additional details for the 21 strategic objectives in the agency's strategic plan for fiscal 2002-2007.

Each supplement contains an overview of a strategic objective plus a discussion of the objective's related performance goals and their key efforts and potential outcomes. The objectives are shown below grouped under GAO's four strategic goals.

Strategic Goal 1: Provide Timely, Quality Service to the Congress and the Federal Government to Address Current and Emerging Challenges to the Well-Being and Financial Security of the American People related to...

Health care needs and financing
Full Document (PDF, 11 pages)   Accessible Text
Education and protection of children
Full Document (PDF, 7 pages)   Accessible Text
Work opportunities and worker protection
Full Document (PDF, 7 pages)   Accessible Text
Retirement income security
Full Document (PDF, 5 pages)   Accessible Text
Effective system of justice
Full Document (PDF, 6 pages)   Accessible Text
Viable communities
Full Document (PDF, 10 pages)   Accessible Text
Natural resources use and environmental protection
Full Document (PDF, 12 pages)   Accessible Text
Physical infrastructure
Full Document (PDF, 8 pages)   Accessible Text

Strategic Goal 2: Provide Timely, Quality Service to the Congress and the Federal Government to Respond to Changing Security Threats and the Challenges of Global Interdependence involving...

Diffuse security threats
Full Document (PDF, 6 pages)   Accessible Text
Military capabilities and readiness
Full Document (PDF, 10 pages)   Accessible Text
Advancement of U.S. interests
Full Document (PDF, 9 pages)   Accessible Text
Global market forces
Full Document (PDF, 9 pages)   Accessible Text

Strategic Goal 3: Help Transform the Federal Government's Role and How It Does Business to Meet 21st Century Challenges by assessing...

Roles in achieving federal objectives
Full Document (PDF, 4 pages)   Accessible Text
Human capital and other capacity for serving the public
Full Document (PDF, 8 pages)   Accessible Text
Progress toward results-oriented, accountable, relevant government
Full Document (PDF, 9 pages)   Accessible Text
Fiscal position and financing of the government
Full Document (PDF, 7 pages)   Accessible Text

Strategic Goal 4: Maximize the Value of GAO by Being a Model Federal Agency and a World-Class Professional Services Organization in the areas of...

Clients and customer service
Full Document (PDF, 4 pages)   Accessible Text
Leadership and management focus
Full Document (PDF, 7 pages)   Accessible Text
Institutional knowledge and experience
Full Document (PDF, 4 pages)   Accessible Text
Process improvement
Full Document (PDF, 4 pages)   Accessible Text
Employer of choice
Full Document (PDF, 5 pages)   Accessible Text

For information about how GAO will assess its performance under its strategic plan and report the results to the Congress and the nation, please see the main strategic plan:
Full Document (PDF, 65 pages)    Accessible Text

Links to other GAO strategic planning, performance, and accountability publications