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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Level of Federal enforcement. - 1952.355

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1952
• Part Title: Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards
• Subpart: CC
• Subpart Title: Arizona
• Standard Number: 1952.355
• Title: Level of Federal enforcement.


As a result of the Assistant Secretary's determination granting final approval of the Arizona plan under section 18(e) of the Act, effective June 20, 1985, occupational safety and health standards which have been promulgated under section 6 of the Act do not apply with respect to issues covered under the Arizona plan. This determination also relinquishes concurrent Federal OSHA authority to issue citations for violation of such standards under section 5(a) (2) and 9 of the Act; to conduct inspections and investigations under section 8 (except those necessary to conduct evaluation of the plan under section 18(f) and other inspections, investigations, or proceedings necessary to carry out Federal responsibilities not specifically preempted by section 18(e)); to conduct enforcement proceedings in contested cases under section 10; to institute proceedings to correct imminent dangers under section 13; and to propose civil penalties or initiate criminal proceedings for violations of the Federal Act under section 17. The Assistant Secretary retains jurisdiction under the above provisions in any proceeding commenced under section 9 or 10 before the effective date of the 18(e) determination.



In accordance with section 18(e), final approval relinquishes Federal OSHA authority only with regard to occupational safety and health issues covered by the Arizona plan. OSHA retains full authority over issues which are not subject to State enforcement under the plan. Thus, Federal OSHA retains its authority relative to safety and health in private sector maritime activities and will continue to enforce all provisions of the Act, rules or orders, and all Federal standards, current or future, specifically directed to maritime employment (29 CFR Part 1915, shipyard employment; Part 1917, marine terminals; Part 1918, longshoring; Part 1919, gear certification) as well as provisions of general industry and construction standards (29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926) appropriate to hazards found in these employments. Federal jurisdiction is also retained with respect to Federal government employers and employees; enforcement relating to any contractors or subcontractors on any Federal establishment where the land is determined to be exclusive Federal jurisdiction; the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), including USPS employees, and contract employees and contractor-operated facilities engaged in USPS mail operations; in copper smelters; in concrete and asphalt batch plants which are physically connected to a mine or so interdependent with the mine as to form one integral enterprise; and within Indian reservations.


In addition, any hazard, industry, geographical area, operation or facility over which the State is unable to effectively exercise jurisdiction for reasons not related to the required performance or structure of the plan shall be deemed to be an issue not covered by the finally approved plan, and shall be subject to Federal enforcement. Where enforcement jurisdiction is shared between Federal and State authorities for a particular area, project, or facility, in the interest of administrative practicability, Federal jurisdiction may be assumed over the entire project or facility. In either of the two aforementioned circumstances, Federal enforcement may be exercised immediately upon agreement between Federal and State OSHA.


Federal authority under provisions of the Act not listed in section 18(e) is unaffected by final approval of the plan. Thus, for example, the Assistant Secretary retains his authority under section 11(c) of the Act with regard to complaints alleging discrimination against employees because of the exercise of any right afforded to the employee by the Act, although such complaints may be referred to the State for investigation. The Assistant Secretary also retains his authority under section 6 of the Act to promulgate, modify or revoke occupational safety and health standards which address the working conditions of all employees, including those in States which have received an affirmative 18(e) determination, although such standards may not be Federally applied. In the event that the State's 18(e) status is subsequently withdrawn and Federal authority reinstated, all Federal standards, including any standards promulgated or modified during the 18(e) period, would be federally enforceable in that State.


As required by section 18(f) of the Act, OSHA will continue to monitor the operations of the Arizona State program to assure that the provisions of the State plan are substantially complied with and that the program remains at least as effective as the Federal program. Failure by the State to comply with its obligations may result in the revocation of the Final determination under section 18(e), resumption of Federal enforcement, and/or proceedings for withdrawal of plan approval.

[50 FR 25571, June 20, 1985; 63 FR 53281, Oct. 5, 1998; 65 FR 36629, June 9, 2000]

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