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Aquatech Amsterdam, September 30 to October 3rd, 2008

Aquatech 2008

Aquatech Amsterdam is the world’s leading trade show for the exhibitions of process, drinking and waste water technology.  The exhibition program provides an extensive overview of the latest developments in the fields of water treatment, transport and storage, process control and process automation, and point of use.  Aquatech brings together all international leaders in the water industry. Aquatech is intended for professionals from all parts of the water industry and attracts policy-makers, specialists and those who apply the technology in practice from all over the world.

Reasons to exhibit at Aquatech Amsterdam 2008:

The world's most renowned exhibition in the field of process, drinking and wastewater

Highly focussed gathering of the global water industry

Strong and relevant conference and seminar programme

More than 135 innovations and new products

The best possible surrounding in which to make new contacts and renew existing ones

20,086 visits in 2006

47% of the visitors came from outside the Netherlands.

Fill out this application form to attend:

Aquatech Registration Form (65KB)

And please visit this website for more information: