BOP Career Opportunities: Training Instructor
How to Apply - Training Instructor
Interested parties should search USAJobs for current vacancies.
(hint: search for the series number "GS-1712")

Training Instructor - GS-1712-5/7/9/11. Training Instructors administer the vocational training program for inmates in correctional institutions.

Qualifications: GS-5: must have 3 years of practical and progressive experience or training in an occupation or subject appropriate to the position to be filled that shows sufficient knowledge and ability to demonstrate, explain, and instruct students in the use of equipment, techniques, principles, or practices of the occupation or subject. GS-7: must meet GS-5 requirements plus 1 year of experience in teaching or instructing in an adult education program, secondary school, or college or industrial establishment in the area for which the applicant has applied. GS-9: must meet GS-5 requirements plus 2 years of teaching or instructing experience. GS-11: must meet GS-5 requirements plus 3 years of teaching or instructing experience.