README.txt January 15, 2008 Documentation for the 2002 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts: Detailed Make Table and Use Table before Redefinitions Source The data in these files were prepared by the Industry Benchmark Division (IBD), Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce. For questions about the tables, please call the IBD main number (202-606-5585), or FAX (202-606-5316), or send an E-Mail message to Use of tables Tables 1 and 2, NAICSMakeDetail.txt and NAICSUseDetail.txt, are provided in a row, column, value format, rather than the traditional matrix. This format allows the file to display the transactions in producers’ value, purchasers’ value, and all of the trade and transportation margins. The data are compatible with current versions of Microsoft Excel as well as with statistical software such as Quattro Pro and SAS. These programs can support the file size as well as read and convert the delimited files. A spreadsheet, database, or statistical program can be used to create custom cross-tabulated tables with the data set. If you have further questions regarding use of these files please contact the Industry Benchmark Division at Description of files README.txt -- Description of the data product. Also contains FNAICSMakeDetal.txt and FNAICSUseDetail.txt. NAICSMakeDetail.txt -- Table 1. The Make of Commodities by Industries before Redefinitions, 2002 Benchmark, at the detail level. The Make table shows the commodities (columns) that are produced by each industry (rows) at producers' prices. It contains 4,760 lines, including headings. FNAICSMakeDetail.txt -- File layout table for NAICSMakeDetail.txt NAICSUseDetail.txt -- Table 2. The Use of Commodities by Industries before Redefinitions, 2002 Benchmark, at the detail level. The Use table shows the inputs to industry (columns) production and the commodities (rows) that are consumed by final users. It contains 56,760 lines, including headings. FNAICSUseDetail.txt -- File layout table for NAICSUseDetail.txt Appendix A.xls -- Detailed I-O codes, descriptions and related NAICS codes Appendix B.xls -- Value added and final use codes and descriptions Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNAICSMakeDetail.txt January 15, 2008 File layout for NAICSMakeDetail.txt: The Make of Commodities by Industries before Redefinitions ------------------------------------------------------------ Field Description ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Industry I-O code 2 Industry description 3 Commodity I-O code 4 Commodity description 5 Make table value. This field contains the value of each commodity produced by the domestic industry in producers' prices. The industry code is the producing industry, the commodity code is the commodity produced. Values are in millions of dollars. 6 Year ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNAICSUseDetail.txt January 15, 2008 File Layout Table for Data File: NAICSUseDetail.txt Table 2.-- The Use of Commodities by Industries before Redefinitions ------------------------------------------------------------- Field Description ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Commodity I-O code 2 Commodity description 3 Industry I-O code 4 Industry description 5 Use table cell. These values represent the use of inputs (identified by commodity codes) by industries or final demand (identified by industry codes), in producers' prices. 6 Margins and transportation costs. This field contains an entry only when the commodity codes refer to transportation (481000, 482000, 483000, 484000 and 486000), and trade (420000 and 4A0000). The entry represents the sum of the costs of distribution (transportation and trade) associated with all of the inputs consumed by an industry or a final user. This field is used to calculate transactions in purchasers' prices -- Purchasers' price = field 5 less field 6 plus fields 7-14. 7 Railroad transportation costs. Entries in this field represent rail costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 8 Truck transportation costs. Entries in this field represent truck costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 9 Water transportation costs. Entries in this field represent water freight costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 10 Air transportation costs. Entries in this field represent air freight costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 11 Pipeline transportation costs. Entries in this field represent oil pipeline transportation costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 12 Gas pipeline transportation costs. Entries in this field represent gas pipeline transportation costs to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. 13 Wholesale margin. Entries in this field represent the wholesale trade margin necessary to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. Included in the margin are wholesale sales taxes and excise taxes collected by wholesalers. 14 Retail margin. Entries in this field represent the retail trade margin necessary to deliver the commodity to the using industry or final user. Included in the margin are retail sales taxes and excise taxes collected by retailers. 15 Purchaser value. Entries in this field represent the use of inputs (identified by commodity codes) by industries or final demand (identified by industry codes), in purchasers' prices. 16 Year -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.