The Humane Society of the United States
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The Humane Society
of the
United States
2100 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037

EU Makes History for Seals

The European Union passed a strong ban on the trade in seal products—spelling the beginning of the end of Canada's cruel commercial seal slaughter. Victory!
Read Wayne's blog on seals» 

Factory Farming and the Flu

The HSUS's director of public health and animal agriculture explores the public health implications of intensively confining farm animals.
Risky business» | Plus: CDC links virus to pig farm»


Doris Day Makes Way for Horses
The HSUS and Doris Day will develop a new horse rescue and adoption center. more»

Following Suit
After the investigation that spurred the largest meat recall in U.S. history, the federal government joins The HSUS in a lawsuit against the companies responsible. more»

Pigeon Protection
Inhumane pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania could finally be on their way out. more»

Dogs and cats in Montcalm County, Mich. shelters safe from experimentation now. Good deal»

Chimp Investigation Spurs Congressional Support»


A Day of Reckoning
A major False Claims Act lawsuit fills an important gap in the story of the Hallmark/Westland downed animal abuse scandal... more» 
May 7, 2 p.m.

Puppy Mill Regulations
Raise Hackles
The American public needs to know who is defending these despicable puppy mills and how these battles are playing out... more» 
May 6, 2:16 p.m.

Into the Wild
When it comes to interacting with wildlife, binoculars—not bullets—are preferred by almost 6-1... more» 
May 4, 2:22 p.m.

Rescuers in Nebraska Save Hundreds of Mustangs

take action

Retire Chimps
Send them to sanctuary»

Do it for the Moms
Rally for puppy mill dogs» 

Pet Tip

Fleas & Ticks
An increasing number of pets are getting sick after using spot-on flea and tick products. What to know» 

Did you know?
One in four shelter dogs are purebred, and breed-specific rescue groups abound. Learn more»

Adopt a Pet
Find your forever friend. Visit our pet adoption page»

zootooFind local pet services reviewed by pet lovers at

Young Voices

Mission: Humane
Hens need a hand—and you can help! Most eggs come from birds confined in cages so small they can't even move. But individuals and businesses around the U.S. are working to change that. Get involved» 

Teens»  |  Kids»

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