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The Walter B. Jones Memorial and NOAA Excellance Awards in Coastal and Ocean Resource Management

Winners of 2003

Coastal Steward of the Year

Mr. David Keeley, Director
State of Maine, State Planning Office
Augusta, Maine

Mr. Keeley was recognized for his work in conceiving, developing, and sustaining the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. In its fourteenth year in 2003, the Council is a voluntary regional governance structure that includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Novia Scotia, as well as representatives of Canadian and U.S. federal agencies. As his nominator wrote, Mr. Keeley is “extremely effective as a catalyst for change and in seizing opportunities that others overlook entirely.”

Excellence in Local Government

Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, Planning, Resources and Land Management Department

The Ozaukee County Planning, Resources and Land Management Department has helped build coalitions to purchase and protect properties of environmental significance to implement the Regional Natural Areas Preservation Plan and to protect Lake Michigan. The Ozaukee County Land and Water Conservation Department has also taken the lead in providing an understanding and promoting the mitigation of the State’s coastal hazards.

Excellence in Coastal and Marine Graduate Study

Ms. Kimberly Heiman
Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station
NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow – Elkhorn Slough NERR

Ms. Heiman is a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow at Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, in California. She was recognized for her research on the impacts and spread of invasive species in Elkhorn Slough.

Ms. Tenley Conway
Rutgers University
NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow – Jacques Cousteau NERR

Ms. Conway is a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow at the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve. She was recognized for her research examining the impact of future urban development on water quality and terrestrial habitat in the watersheds that drain into the Great Bay- Barnegat Bay Estuary.

Ms. Julie Oswald
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California

Ms. Oswald was recognized for her research developing a new technique to survey marine mammal populations using the unique vocalizations of different species. As her nominator wrote, “I have worked with a wide array of talented scientists from federal and academic institutions. However, I have never seen one as dedicated and jubilantly excited about her work as Julie Oswald.”

Mr. Brian Silliman
Brown University
NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow – Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, NERR

Mr. Silliman is a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow at Narragansett Bay, RI. He is being recognized for his innovative research on the role of blue crabs in salt marsh ecosystems.

Ms. Eileen Vandenburgh
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Institute of Marine Sciences
NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow – North Carolina NERR

Ms. Vandenburgh is a NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Graduate Research Fellow at the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve. She is being recognized for her research examining how Marine Protected Areas affect shellfish populations and the sustainability of fisheries.

Volunteer of the Year

Mr. Conrad Field
Homer, Alaska

Mr. Field was recognized for his 14 years of volunteer work in the Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. He has donated his artwork to local organizations and state and federal agencies who support the conservation and wise use of coastal and marine resources. He has also provided environmental education for a diversity of audiences. A local elementary teacher wrote "There is something magical about spending time with Conrad. Not only is he the most knowledgeable and gifted naturalist I have ever met but his personality is charismatic and genuine. Students come away with a new appreciation and the utmost respect for their role in its preservation after spending time with Conrad."

Non-Governmental Organization of the Year

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Wilmington, Delaware

The Partnership develops and implements educational initiatives that focus on the importance of the Delaware Estuary's natural, historical, recreational, cultural, economic resources. It offers programs for "kids to corporations and everyone in between." The Partnership is being recognized for its work across jurisdictions to raise awareness, instill stewardship, and promote partnerships to preserve the Delaware Estuary.

Excellence in Promoting Diversity in Coastal or Ocean Resource Management

Dr. Brian Bingham
Minorities in Marine Science Undergraduate Program at Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University

Dr. Bingham was recognized for his work as the director of the Minorities in Marine Science Undergraduate Program at Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University. The purpose of the program is “to introduce members of ethnic/racial groups identified as being under-represented in science to the possibility of pursing careers in the ocean sciences.” A former student writes, " Dr. Bingham was one of the first people in my life to believe in me, he took a chance by accepting me into the program and I will always be grateful to him. . . His drive for science is contagious and his defiance of racial boundaries will forever remain with me."

Excellence in Business Leadership

Cabrillo Power, I, LLC
Carlsbad, California

Cabrillo Power was recognized for its leadership in environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility. Cabrillo Power provides approximately 25% of the power in San Diego County, but has reduced emissions by over 80%. The company has also made significant contributions to the eradication of invasive species in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon.

Excellence in Coastal Zone Management

Woodard W. Miley, II
Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve
Eastpoint, Florida

Mr. Miley was recognized for his more than 20 years of dedication to coastal management. He retired in 2003 from his position as manager of the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, in Florida. As his nominator, Senator Bob Graham wrote, “Woody is a role model for environmental stewardship. . . Woody’s professional career has been devoted to protecting and preserving one of the most pristine areas of our state. Woody has accomplished this through working extensively with community, state and federal officials; managing a staff of 53 at five sites in the west central and northwest regions of Florida; and conducting a multitude of research and educational programs.”

Administrator’s Award for Excellence

Maine Fishermen’s Forum
Rockport, Maine

The Maine Fishermen’s Forum was recognized for its commitment to education and responsible fisheries management. In her nomination letter, Senator Olympia Snowe wrote, “the guiding principle of the Forum is that a better informed and educated fishing community will result in better fisheries management, a better chance to achieve sustainable fisheries, and a better chance for fishing communities to survive in a rapidly changing world.”


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