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Research Centers
Center for Airborne Organics (MIT)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Center was established to address research on air pollution problems. Its focal areas include: sources and control, transport and transformation, and monitoring and source attribution. Specific research projects have made advances in factors governing the formation of soot and on the sources of VOC emissions from engines (sectional molecular model following the transition from gas phase to particle inception and growth); minimizing soot and nitric oxide emissions from diesel engines; kinetics of blends of oxygenates; photochemical processes forming organic aerosols; analyses of trace VOCs; mapping of temporal and spacial distribution of mutagenic activity in the LA basin; quantitative measures of the physical and chemical structures of soots. The center also coordinates symposia covering areas such as Effective Technologies for Reducing Vehicle Emissions; and air pollution instrumentation.

Center Publications:

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Main Center Abstract and Reports:

MIT Center for Airborne Organics

Center Research Projects:

R824970C001 - Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Formation of Products of Incomplete Combustion from Spark-ignition Engines

R824970C002 - Combustion Chamber Deposit Effects on Engine Hydrocarbon Emissions

R824970C003 - Atmospheric Transformation of Volatile Organic Compounds: Gas-Phase Photooxidation and Gas-to-Particle Conversion

R824970C004 - Mathematical Models of the Transport and Fate of Airborne Organics

R824970C005 - Elementary Reaction Mechanism and Pathways for Atmospheric Reactions of Aromatics - Benzene and Toluene

R824970C006 - Simultaneous Removal of Soot and NOx from the Exhaust of Diesel Powered Vehicles

R824970C007 - Modeling Gas-Phase Chemistry and Heterogeneous Reaction of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

R824970C008 - Fundamental Study on High Temperature Chemistry of Oxygenated Hydrocarbons as Alternate Motor Fuels and Additives

R824970C009 - Markers for Emissions from Combustion Sources

R824970C010 - Experimental Investigation of the Evolution of the Size and Composition Distribution of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols

R824970C011 - Microengineered Mass Spectrometer for in-situ Measurement of Airborne Contaminants

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