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Research Centers
Center for Air Toxic Metals® (CATM®)

University of North Dakota - Main Campus

The mission of CATM is to provide a national coordinated and practically oriented multidisciplinary research, development, and training program on the prevention, transformation, behavior, and control of potentially toxic metal emissions from energy-producing and incineration systems and on the prevention and minimization of the effect of these metals on the environment through partnerships developed with industry, research institutions, and government. The goal of CATM is to develop key information on air toxic metal compounds such that pollution prevention strategies can be developed and implemented to reduce air toxic metals emissions. Specific objectives include: (1) elucidate air toxic transformation mechanisms and pathways in energy-producing and incenerating systems, (2) develop technologies to control metals behavior and emissions, (3) develop environmentally sound methods to utilize and dispose of residuals, (4) develop methods to sample and analyze air toxics, (5) develop predictive tools and databases, (6) develop partnerships with industry, (7) develop environmental awareness and pollution prevention programs through education, and (8) commercialize results and technologies that can be used to reduce overall trace element emissions. CATM is organized into five integrated program areas; (1) air toxi metals transformation mechanisms, (2) Analytical methods development, (3) emission control technology evaluation and enhancement, (4) modeling and database development, (5) technology commercialization and education.

Center Publications:

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Main Center Abstract and Reports:

Center for Air Toxic Metals (CATM)
Center for Air Toxic Metals® (CATM®) 2003-2007

Center Research Projects:

R827649C001 - Development And Demonstration Of Trace Metals Database

R827649C002 - Nickel Speciation Of Residual Oil Ash

R827649C003 - Atmospheric Deposition: Air Toxics At Lake Superior

R827649C004 - Novel Approaches For Prevention And Control For Trace Metals

R827649C005 - Wet Scrubber System

R827649C006 - Technology Commercialization And Education

R827649C007 - Development Of Speciation And Sampling Tools For Mercury In Flue Gas

R827649C008 - Process Impacts On Trace Element Speciation

R827649C009 - Mercury Transformations in Coal Combustion Flue Gas

R827649C010 - Nickel, Chromium, and Arsenic Speciation of Ambient Particulate Matter in the Vicinity of an Oil-Fired Utility Boiler

R827649C011 - Transition Metal Speciation of Fossil Fuel Combustion Flue Gases

R827649C012 - Fundamental Study of the Impact of SCR on Mercury Speciation

R827649C013 - Development of Mercury Sampling and Analytical Techniques

R827649C014 - Longer-Term Testing of Continuous Mercury Monitors

R827649C015 - Long-Term Mercury Monitoring at North Dakota Power Plants

R827649C016 - Development of a Laser Absorption Continuous Mercury Monitor

R827649C017 - Development of Mercury Control Technologies

R827649C018 - Developing SCR Technology Options for Mercury Oxidation in Western Fuels

R827649C019 - Modeling Mercury Speciation in Coal Combustion Systems

R827649C020 - Stability of Mercury in Coal Combustion By-Products and Sorbents

R827649C021 - Mercury in Alternative Fuels

R827649C022 - Studies of Mercury Metabolism and Selenium Physiology

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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