Table J.—Major Sources for Current-Dollar Gross Product Originating by Industry

Component Major source data Industrial distribution
Distribution available in source data Data or assumption used if distribution by establishment is not available in source data
Compensation of employees:
Wages and salariesBLS tabulations of wages and salaries of employees covered by State unemployment insurance and Office of Personnel Management data on wages and salaries of Federal Government employeesEstablishment
Employer contributions for social insuranceFederal budget data NoneSocial Security Administration and BLS tabulations.
Other labor incomeDepartment of Labor tabulations of pension plans, HCFA and BLS data on health insurance, trade association data for other typesNone, except pensionsBLS employer cost for employee compensation.
Proprietors' income with inventory valuation adjustment:
FarmDepartment of Agriculture farm statisticsEstablishment
Proprietors' incomeIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanyAssumed to be equivalent to an establishment distribution.
Inventory valuation adjustmentBLS prices and IRS inventory dataEstablishment
Rental income of personsCensus Bureau American Housing Survey, BLS Consumer Expenditures Survey, and IRS tabulations of business and individual tax returnsEstablishment
Corporate profits with inventory valuation adjustment:
Corporate profits before taxIRS tabulations of business tax returns CompanyCensus Bureau company-establishment employment matrix and Department of Energy establishment data for energy companies.
Inventory valuation adjustmentBLS prices and IRS inventory dataEstablishment
Net interest:
CorporateIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanySame as corporate profits before tax starting in 1987; previously none.
NoncorporateIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanyAssumed to be equivalent to an establishment distribution.
Business transfer paymentsIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanyIndustry-specific payments are assigned to those industries; other are based on IRS company industry distribution.
Indirect business tax and nontax liabilityFederal budget data and Census Bureau data on State and local governmentsNoneIndustry-specific payments are assigned to those industries; property taxes are based on BEA capital stock distribution.
Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprisesFederal budget data and Census Bureau data on State and local governmentsEstablishment
Capital consumption allowances:
CorporateIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanySame as corporate profits before tax.
NoncorporateIRS tabulations of business tax returnsCompanyAssumed to be equivalent to an establishment distribution.
Government consumption of fixed capitalBEA capital stock estimatesType of agency

BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis

BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics

HCFA Health Care Financing Administration

IRS Internal Revenue Service