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Water Awareness, Research and Education in East Tampa (WARE East Tampa): A pilot collaboration involving USF, Young Magnet Middle School and the East Tampa Community

EPA Grant Number: SU833946
Title: Water Awareness, Research and Education in East Tampa (WARE East Tampa): A pilot collaboration involving USF, Young Magnet Middle School and the East Tampa Community
Investigators: Trotz, Maya , Akiwumi, Fenda , Green, Trent , Stuart, Amy L.
Institution: University of South Florida
EPA Project Officer: Nolt-Helms, Cynthia
Project Period: August 15, 2008 through August 14, 2009
Project Amount: $10,000
RFA: P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Focusing on People, Prosperity and the Planet (2008)
Research Category: Pollution Prevention/Sustainable Development , P3 Challenge Area - Water



Stormwater retention ponds play a vital role in flood and pollution control in communities throughout Florida and volunteer community programs have been successful at reducing local pollutant loads and maintaining pond health. Community funded revitalization programs in East Tampa, an economically disadvantaged urban area, include beatification efforts of stormwater ponds, but do not address water quality, maintenance or potential impacts on the pond and community members (from fish consumption) posed by increased accessibility and use of the ponds. This P3 award will establish a collaborative mechanism involving the University of South Florida, Young Middle Magnet School and East Tampa community members that effectively raises environmental awareness in East Tampa using stormwater ponds as an initial focal point.


Through community education and awareness, local pollutant inputs to storm water will be reduced; an activity that not only impacts local pond water quality, but also water quality in the Tampa Bay.

Expected Results:

Outputs from this project are: a) curriculum developed for students at Young Middle Magnet; b) stormwater retention pond demonstration modules and tour; c) baseline water quality data collection for three retention ponds in East Tampa and establishment of a sustainable water monitoring program; d) preliminary assessment of sediment heavy metal concentrations; e) a report with proposed activities needed to advance this project. Participant surveys will be conducted at various times over the course of the project to evaluate its effectiveness; and (5) P3 concepts are weaved into WARE’s educational program for USF College of Engineering students, Young Magnet’s middle school students and East Tampa community members.

Supplemental Keywords:

ecosystem protection, environmental analysis, monitoring, sustainable environment, community based, surface water,

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