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The 2008 Conference on Managing Environmental Quality Systems was held April 21-24, 2008 in Seattle, Washington. The 2008 conference continued a 27-year tradition of addressing environmental issues through the exploration of advancements in environmental quality systems management.  The theme of the conference is "Sharing Information to Spur Innovation."

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Conference Abstracts are available here (PDF 30pp, 546 K). Available session presentations are posted in the agenda below.

Note: The session papers and presentations accessible via this site are posted for informational purposes only. They have not been reviewed or endorsed by EPA management and thus do not represent an official statement of EPA's views or policy. They are not intended to be used to formulate or support any EPA decision or position. Posting these materials does not indicate EPA adoption or endorsement of the information contained therein.

Conference Agenda


Time Session
April 21
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Training Courses
Grand Ballroom C
Grand Ballroom D
Willow A
Willow B
Data Usability for Decision Makers (PDF 65pp., 4.1MB) Course Description EPA QA Managers Working Session [Closed Session] Interpretation of Environmental Statistics (PDF 51pp., 1.1MB) Course Description Ambient Air Monitoring Quality System Training
April 22


8:00 PM - 12:00 PM
Training Courses
Grand Ballroom C
Grand Ballroom D
Willow A
Willow B
Data Usability for Decision Makers (continued from Monday) EPA QA Managers Working Session[Closed Session] (continued from Monday) Estimation and Statistical Tests (PDF 49pp., 253K) Course Description Ambient Air Monitoring Quality System Training (continued from Monday)
1:00 - 5:00 PM

Opening Plenary [Grand Ballroom]

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks: Reggie Cheatham, Director, Quality Staff, U.S. EPA Office of Enivronmental Information
  • Barbara Metzger QA Manager of the Year Presentation

Keynote Presentation (PDF 12pp., 1.1MB) Joseph DeFeo, President, Juran Institute

Plenary Panel Discussion "Meeting Customers' Expectations"

  • Moderator: Reggie Cheatham, Director, Quality Staff, U.S. EPA Office of Enivronmental Information
  • Ronald Shafer, Policy Analyst, Quality Staff, U.S. EPA Office of Enivronmental Information
  • Eric de Place, Senior Researcher, Sightline Institute
  • Dave Kircher, Manager Air Resources, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Wednesday, April 23 Agenda

General Session [Grand Ballroom]
8:00 - 9:30 AM
National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information (PDF 6pp., 1.5MB) [Moderator - B. Nussbaum]
  • M. Flynn, Director, Office of Information Analysis and Access , U.S. EPA
  • J. Schweiss, Region 10, U.S. EPA
  • R. Elleman, Region 10, U.S. EPA
  • H. Ferguson, Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA
  • P. Oshida, Office of Water, U.S. EPA
Grand Ballroom C
Grand Ballroom D
Willow A
Willow B
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Development of a Consensus Standard for Quality Systems in Environmental Testing Laboratories (PDF 15pp., 339K) [R. DiRienzo] Quality Assurance of Performance Measures (PDF 29pp., 1.4MB) [P. Mundy, R. Shafer, J. Lieberman] Integrating the System of Registries (SOR) into Your Quality Program (PDF 21pp., 1MB) [C. Dickinson, J. Tooley, B. Schwartz] Analyzing the Ozone and PM10 Data Gathered at the Monitoring Stations Located on the US-Mexico Border (PDF 12pp., 486K) [H. Lacayo, T. Forbes]
Alternative Approaches to Collecting and Interpreting Matrix Spike Data (PDF 15pp., 411K) [H. McCarty] Development of Quality Control Parameters for an Ambient Air Particle Inhalation Exposure System (PDF 20pp., 2.3MB) [L. Walsh]
Data Verification - It's Not Just the Laboratory (PDF 19pp., 311K) [J. Bennett] Chasing the Plume with One Analyzer, One Engine and a Prayer (PDF 30pp., 3.4MB) [D. Rafferty]
12:30 - 2:00 PM
Standardizing Data Reporting, Review, and Storage: Examples from the Front Lines (PDF 35pp., 605K) [L. Blume, Y. Yang, B. Runyon, J. Kreuger, B. Jordan, A. Mudambi] Developing an Agency Quality Glossary (PDF 24pp., 1.5MB) [K. Breidenstine, M. Pendleton] Roadmap to Quality Costs:  How to Identify, Categorize, Monitor, and Report Quality Costs for Products and Services (PDF 14pp., 544K) [J. Worthington] Dynamic Evaluation of Meteorological Parameters Using Collocated Monitoring (PDF 11pp., 405K) [M. Plate]
Case Study:  Metals Matrix Metadata Mistakes Modify King County Monitoring Management (PDF 17pp., 762K) [J. Frodge] From Through-The-Probe to Emergency Response (PDF 6pp., 486K) [L. Grooms]
A Description of the PM 2.5 Monitoring Network Performance Evaluation Program and Findings for 2005-2007 (PDF 13pp., 587K) [D. Crumpler]
Influencing Change through Collaboration and Information Sharing - the British Columbia's Forest and Range Evaluation Program (PDF 53pp., 4.7MB) [P. Bradford, F. Barber] Air Toxics Through-the-Probe Audits [S. Kilmer]
NATTS QA System and Results of the QA Assessment (PDF 6pp., 479K) [D. Mikel]
2:15 - 3:45 PM
EPA Office of Research and Development's Scientific Data Management Strategy (PDF 11pp., 694K) [L.Petterson] 508 Basics for Providing Access and the Impact on Products and Services (PDF 23pp., 631K) [A. Babcock, S. Buchanan, K. Breidenstine]  Ecology’s Quality System: From databases to information sharing and decision-making (PDF 39pp., 3.2MB) [W. Kammin, C. Neumiller, C. Brown] * Ambient Air Monitoring Workgroup Meeting (8:00 - 9:30 AM and continuing after the technical sessions from 2:15 - 6:00 PM) [Willow B]
Advantages and Challenges of Electronic Records for Scientific Data at the US EPA  (PDF 8pp., 604K) [T. Hughes]
Improving Laboratory Sample Management (PDF 8pp., 615K) [M. Vazquez, M. Binford]
4:00 - 5:30 PM

The Underlying Definitions for Uncertainty in Environmental Data -

Implementing ANSI/NCSL Z540 in an EPA Calibration Laboratory (PDF 26pp., 1.1MB) [P. Groff]

Uncertainty - A Laboratory Viewpoint (PDF 18pp., 450K) [R. DiRienzo]

Information and Data Quality Framework (PDF 19pp., 1.9MB) [J. Worthington] **STATs/SAS Users Group Meeting 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm [Madrona]
Data and Information Quality as a Component of the Enterprise Data Architecture (PDF 10pp., 631K) [K. Kirby]
Conscious Data Quality Management through Data Stewardship (PDF 17pp., 696K) [C. Dingman]

Thursday, April 24 Agenda

Grand Ballroom C
Grand Ballroom D
Willow A
Willow B
8:00 - 9:30 AM
Determining Correlations and Interoperability Between TQM, ISO and IM Documents (PDF 12pp., 1.25MB) [D. Weingart Webb] EPA Office Water Quality Management Plan Development - Lessons Learned [M. Hamilton, P. Oshida, B. Benroth, M. Heber, M. Kelly, E. Liu] Using Web Technologies to Spur Innovation (PDF 33pp., 2.7MB) [M. Jones, S. Buchanan, J. Balent, K. Kirby, H. Ferguson] Parameters of a dose-response model are on
the boundary. What happens with BMDL? [L. Kopylev, J. Fox]
The Use of Geostatistics in the Remedial Investigation of the Upper Buffalo River (PDF 22pp., 2.6MB) [J. Schofield]  
Parameter Estimation - Modified Delta Log-normal Approach versus Censoring Techniques (PDF 8pp., 1.1MB) [N. Andrews]
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Getting your input to the National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information. [N. Wentworth] eQMP: Implementing Electronic Quality Management Plans (PDF 8pp., 231K) [G. Johnson, K. Hull, M. Kantz, J. Elkins] Chaotic, but In Control - Managing a Flurry of Data Processing and Analysis Activities for the Total Coliform Rule Six-Year Review (PDF 7pp., 680K) [M. Messner, S. Shaw] Principles of Survey Management Roundtable (PDF 34pp., 796K) [B. Nussbaum, M. Kollander, P. Mundy]
Practical Problems in Remotely Sensed Image Acquisition (PDF 20pp., 3.8MB) [G. Brilis]
Guidance for Developing Global Positioning System Data Collection Standard Operating Procedures and QAPPs (PDF 12pp., 507K) [G. Brilis]
Conference ended at 11:30 AM


Training Course Descriptions

Data Usability for Decision Makers
  Dates: Monday, April 21, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm through Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
  Instructors: Advanced Systems, Inc.
  Description: This course is intended to familiarize decision makers with the importance of receiving a data usability report.  This report will help the decision maker understand the risk associated with the decision and determine the defensibility or strength of making the right decision.  An overview of the processes needed to develop and complete a data usability report will be presented.
Target Audience: This training is designed for professionals responsible for assisting with and making critical decisions based on environmental data.  The design of the course materials should help the data user evaluate if their data is scientifically valid, meaningful, and legally defensible. Personnel with past experience in environmental decision making will benefit from this course.  The information presents state-of-the-art planning and decision making concepts as applied to real environmental projects.

Interpretation of Environmental Statistics
  Date: Monday, April 21, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm
  Instructors: J. Warren and B. Nussbaum, U.S. EPA
  Description: This half-day course considers the basic interpretation and understanding of data sets with an emphasis on the visual interpretation of data. There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Topics Include:
- Where does data come from?
- Making the numbers talk
- What data distributions look like
- Seeing data (class exercise)
- Estimation, precision, and bias
  Target Audience: Environmental program personnel from state, local and tribal governments, small business, and non-profit organzations with an interest in learning the concepts of basic statistics.
Estimation and Statistical Tests
  Date: Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
  Instructors: J. Warren and B. Nussbaum, U.S. EPA
  Description: This is a half-day course on the basics of estimation and how to use tests of hypotheses for the examination of small data sets. There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Topics Include:
- Estimation using intervals
- Estimation and confidence interval (class exercise)
- Decision making and decision errors
- The t-test and sign test
- Decision making (class exercise)
- Difference of two means tests
  Target Audience: Environmental program personnel from state, local and tribal governments, small business, and non-profit organzations with an interest in learning the concepts of basic statistics.
EPA QA Managers Working Session
  Dates: Monday, April 21, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm through Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
  Description: This facilitated working session is for U.S. EPA QA Managers only.
  Audience: U.S. EPA QA Managers
Ambient Air Monitoring Quality System Training
  Dates: Monday, April 21, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm through Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 am-12:00 pm
  Description: The course will provide an overview of the EPA Quality System as related to the quality system requirements for the ambient air monitoring programs including SLAMS, NCore, Toxics and Speciation/IMPROVE air monitoring. The goal is to provide the attendee with a good working knowledge of the planning, implementation, assessment and reporting activities related to the ambient air quality system.
  Audience: Tribal, state and local ambient air monitoring technical and quality assurance personnel.




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