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Management and Technical Services Branch

US-EPA, Region 4, SESD, Athens, Georgia

The Management and Technical Services Branch is comprised of a multi-disciplined, customer-focused staff that provides quality service in a variety of support functions. The Branch is comprised of the Immediate Office, the Program Support Section, and the Quality Assurance Section. Our services include:

Immediate Office

Quality Assurance Section

The Quality Assurance Section provides support to various regional programs including Safe Drinking Water and Clean Water Acts, Superfund, RCRA, and Criminal Investigations. The goal of the office is to assure environmental data of acceptable quality which can be used to make sound environmental decisions. The Quality Assurance Section includes a diverse group of chemists, microbiologists, and environmental scientists who can assist Agency, state, tribal, and private organizations in planning, implementing and assessing data collection activities. The Quality Assurance Section provides the following services:

Program Support Section


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