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Contacts -- Early Reading First (May 04, 2009)
This page provides contact information for the Early Reading First Program.
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Early Reading First (May 04, 2009)
The program supports the development of early childhood centers of excellence that focus on all areas of development, especially on the early language, cognitive, and pre-reading skills that prepare children for continued school success and that serve primarily children from low-income families.
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Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) - Home page (Apr 08, 2009)
The Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) supports programs that help young people and adults obtain the knowledge and skills for successful careers and productive lives. On this site, you will find useful information about programs, grants, and events related to adult education and vocational education; high schools; community colleges; correctional education; community technology centers; and teacher development activities.
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Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (Mar 25, 2009)
Homepage of the Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs web site.
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Fact Sheet -- Early Reading First (Mar 24, 2009)
This document provides facts and general information regarding the Early Reading First Program. (MS WORD)
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Frequently Asked Questions -- Early Reading First (Mar 04, 2009)
This page provides frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Early Reading First Program.
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Information for Early Reading First Applicants on Selecting Early Childhood Assessments (PDF) (Mar 03, 2009)
Early Reading First grantees are required to report annually to the Secretary regarding the progress made towards addressing the purposes of the program. The Department has established Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) performance measures for the Early Reading First program. This document outlines these measures. (PDF)
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Applicant Information -- Early Reading First (Mar 03, 2009)
This page lists application kits, required forms, notices inviting applicants, schedules, and other information of interest to prospective applicants under the Early Reading First Program.
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Eligibility -- Early Reading First (Mar 03, 2009)
This page identifies the people, groups and, organizations, including links to eligibility spreadsheets for those who are eligible for funding under the Early Reading First Program.
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Related Topics - SASA (Jan 29, 2009)
This page is a list of related topics to Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs.
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for Administrators (96)
formatted as HTML document (70)
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) (62)
Free, No Restrictions (59)
for Local Education Agencies (58)
for Reading Teachers (55)
for Teachers (55)
for Principals (49)
about Reading Comprehension (48)
for State Education Agencies (48)