Topic Collection: Influenza

This page lists the most recent reports and testimonies related to influenza issued since October 2000.

Showing 47 items.

Veterinarian Workforce: The Federal Government Lacks a Comprehensive Understanding of Its Capacity to Protect Animal and Public Health
GAO-09-424T, February 26, 2009
Influenza Pandemic: Sustaining Focus on the Nation's Planning and Preparedness Efforts
GAO-09-334, February 26, 2009
Veterinarian Workforce: Actions Are Needed to Ensure Sufficient Capacity for Protecting Public and Animal Health
GAO-09-178, February 4, 2009
Influenza Pandemic: HHS Needs to Continue Its Actions and Finalize Guidance for Pharmaceutical Interventions
GAO-08-671, September 30, 2008
Influenza Pandemic: Federal Agencies Should Continue to Assist States to Address Gaps in Pandemic Planning
GAO-08-539, June 19, 2008
National Response Framework: FEMA Needs Policies and Procedures to Better Integrate Non-Federal Stakeholders in the Revision Process
GAO-08-768, June 11, 2008
Supplemental Appropriations: Opportunities Exist to Increase Transparency and Provide Additional Controls
GAO-08-314, January 31, 2008
Influenza Pandemic: Efforts Under Way to Address Constraints on Using Antivirals and Vaccines to Forestall a Pandemic
GAO-08-92, December 21, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: Opportunities Exist to Address Critical Infrastructure Protection Challenges That Require Federal and Private Sector Coordination
GAO-08-36, October 31, 2007
Influenza Vaccine: Issues Related to Production, Distribution, and Public Health Messages
GAO-08-27, October 31, 2007
Global Health: U.S. Agencies Support Programs to Build Overseas Capacity for Infectious Disease Surveillance
GAO-08-138T, October 4, 2007
High-Containment Biosafety Laboratories: Preliminary Observations on the Oversight of the Proliferation of BSL-3 and BSL-4 Laboratories in the United States
GAO-08-108T, October 4, 2007
Global Health: U.S. Agencies Support Programs to Build Overseas Capacity for Infectious Disease Surveillance
GAO-07-1186, September 28, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: Federal Executive Boards' Ability to Contribute to Pandemic Preparedness
GAO-07-1259T, September 28, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: Opportunities Exist to Clarify Federal Leadership Roles and Improve Pandemic Planning
GAO-07-1257T, September 26, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: Further Efforts Are Needed to Ensure Clearer Federal Leadership Roles and an Effective National Strategy
GAO-07-781, August 14, 2007
Homeland Security: Observations on DHS and FEMA Efforts to Prepare for and Respond to Major and Catastrophic Disasters and Address Related Recommendations and Legislation
GAO-07-1142T, July 31, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: DOD Combatant Commands' Preparedness Efforts Could Benefit from More Clearly Defined Roles, Resources, and Risk Mitigation
GAO-07-696, June 20, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: Efforts to Forestall Onset Are Under Way; Identifying Countries at Greatest Risk Entails Challenges
GAO-07-604, June 20, 2007
Emergency Management: Most School Districts Have Developed Emergency Management Plans, but Would Benefit from Additional Federal Guidance
GAO-07-609, June 12, 2007
Avian Influenza: USDA Has Taken Important Steps to Prepare for Outbreaks, but Better Planning Could Improve Response
GAO-07-652, June 11, 2007
Emergency Management: Status of School Districts' Planning and Preparedness
GAO-07-821T, May 17, 2007
Homeland Security: Observations on DHS and FEMA Efforts to Prepare for and Respond to Major and Catastrophic Disasters and Address Related Recommendations and Legislation
GAO-07-835T, May 15, 2007
The Federal Workforce: Additional Steps Needed to Take Advantage of Federal Executive Boards' Ability to Contribute to Emergency Operations
GAO-07-515, May 4, 2007
Financial Market Preparedness: Significant Progress Has Been Made, but Pandemic Planning and Other Challenges Remain
GAO-07-399, March 29, 2007
Public Health and Hospital Emergency Preparedness Programs: Evolution of Performance Measurement Systems to Measure Progress
GAO-07-485R, March 23, 2007
Homeland Security: Preparing for and Responding to Disasters
GAO-07-395T, March 9, 2007
Influenza Pandemic: DOD Has Taken Important Actions to Prepare, but Accountability, Funding, and Communications Need to be Clearer and Focused Departmentwide
GAO-06-1042, September 21, 2006
Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency: Emergency Conservation Program
GAO-06-856R, July 10, 2006
Continuity of Operations: Agencies Could Improve Planning for Telework during Disruptions
GAO-06-740T, May 11, 2006
Influenza Pandemic: Applying Lessons Learned from the 2004-05 Influenza Vaccine Shortage
GAO-06-221T, November 4, 2005
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Condition of Participation: Immunization Standard for Long Term Care Facilities
GAO-06-173R, October 21, 2005
Influenza Vaccine: Shortages in 2004-05 Season Underscore Need for Better Preparation
GAO-05-984, September 30, 2005
Homeland Security: DHS' Efforts to Enhance First Responders' All-Hazards Capabilities Continue to Evolve
GAO-05-652, July 11, 2005
Influenza Pandemic: Challenges in Preparedness and Response
GAO-05-863T, June 30, 2005
Influenza Pandemic: Challenges Remain in Preparedness
GAO-05-760T, May 26, 2005
Managing Diabetes: Health Plan Coverage of Services and Supplies
GAO-05-210, February 25, 2005
Flu Vaccine: Recent Supply Shortages Underscore Ongoing Challenges
GAO-05-177T, November 18, 2004
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Review of State and Federal Disease Surveillance Efforts
GAO-04-877, September 30, 2004
Infectious Disease Preparedness: Federal Challenges in Responding to Influenza Outbreaks
GAO-04-1100T, September 28, 2004
Public Health Preparedness: Response Capacity Improving, but Much Remains to Be Accomplished
GAO-04-458T, February 12, 2004
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Established Infectious Disease Control Measures Helped Contain Spread, But a Large-Scale Resurgence May Pose Challenges
GAO-03-1058T, July 30, 2003
SARS Outbreak: Improvements to Public Health Capacity Are Needed for Responding to Bioterrorism and Emerging Infectious Diseases
GAO-03-769T, May 7, 2003
Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Bioterrorism Preparedness Efforts Have Improved Public Health Response Capacity, but Gaps Remain
GAO-03-654T, April 9, 2003
Flu Vaccine: Steps Are Needed to Better Prepare for Possible Future Shortages
GAO-01-786T, May 30, 2001
Flu Vaccine: Supply Problems Heighten Need to Ensure Access for High-Risk People
GAO-01-624, May 15, 2001
Influenza Pandemic: Plan Needed for Federal and State Response
GAO-01-4, October 27, 2000
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