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Counter Terrorism

Homeland Security

The EPA Criminal Enforcement Program provides investigative, technical and scientific expertise, support and resources to the Lead Federal Agency for the investigation of domestic terrorism. In much the same way that the FBI relies upon the subject matter expertise of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, in processing domestic terrorist crimes scenes involving the use of bombs, the FBI relies upon the EPA Criminal Enforcement Program, administered by the Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics and Training, to provide it with "environmental crime-oriented" subject matter expertise when responding to crime scenes and related investigative activities involved in the use of conventional, chemical, biological and radiological weapons.

The Criminal Enforcement Program maintains the Counter Terrorism Response Teams and the National Counter Terrorism Evidence Response Teams, which are comprised of expert technical and investigative personnel, engineers, analysts, computer specialists and environmental specialists, who conduct these complex and often times high profile investigations. These teams provide:

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