Home > Table 6.—Employment by Nonbank U.S. MNC's, U.S. Parents, and MOFA's, by Industry of Parent, 1982 and 1992

Table 6.—Employment by Nonbank U.S. MNC's, U.S. Parents, and MOFA's, by Industry of Parent, 1982 and 1992

Thousands of employees Share of U.S. parents in worldwide MNC total (percent)
MNC's worldwide U.S. parents MOFA's
1982 1992 1982 1992 1982 1992 1982 1992
All industries 23,727.0 22,977.0 18,704.6 17,617.2 5,022.4 5,359.8 79 77
Manufacturing 14,247.3 13,094.4 10,532.8 9,307.4 3,714.5 3,787.0 74 71
Other 9,479.7 9,882.6 8,171.8 8,309.8 1,307.9 1,572.8 86 84

MNC Multinational company

MOFA Majority-owned foreign affiliate

Last updated: Currently Unavailable