Home > Table 5.—Gross Product of Nonbank U.S. MNC's, U.S. Parents, and MOFA's, by Industry of Parent, 1982 and 1989

Table 5.—Gross Product of Nonbank U.S. MNC's, U.S. Parents, and MOFA's, by Industry of Parent, 1982 and 1989

Millions of dollars Share of U.S. parents in worldwide MNC total (percent)
MNC's worldwide U.S. parents MOFA's
1982 1989 1982 1989 1982 1989 1982 1989
All industries 1,019,734 1,364,878 796,017 1,044,884 223,717 319,994 78 77
Manufacturing 542,689 793,771 421,050 586,568 121,639 207,203 78 74
Other 477,045 571,107 374,967 458,316 102,078 112,791 79 80

MNC Multinational company

MOFA Majority-owned foreign affiliate

Last updated: Currently Unavailable