Home > Table 4.—Employment and Wage Rates for Manufacturing MOFA's in High-Wage and Low-Wage Host Countries, 1992

Table 4.—Employment and Wage Rates for Manufacturing MOFA's in High-Wage and Low-Wage Host Countries, 1992

Average hourly wage rate, 1989 (dollars)/1/ Employment by manufacturing MOFA's
Thousands of employees Share of sample total (percent)/2/
All sample countries 3,067.0 100.0
High-wage-country sample/3/ 2,005.6 65.4
Australia 12.99 87.2 2.8
Belgium 16.04 69.6 2.3
Canada 16.71 386.4 12.6
France 15.69 201.7 6.6
Germany 17.03 398.0 13.0
Ireland 10.17 39.3 1.3
Italy 16.73 108.1 3.5
Japan 20.89 82.2 2.7
Netherlands 18.39 80.3 2.6
Spain 10.81 88.3 2.9
Sweden 18.69 16.3 .5
Switzerland 17.86 21.0 .7
United Kingdom 12.11 427.2 13.9
Low-wage-country sample/3/ 1,061.4 34.6
Argentina 3.49 32.6 1.1
Brazil 4.17 252.0 8.2
Colombia 3.87 20.1 .7
Hong Kong 2.98 36.4 1.2
Korea, Republic of 4.44 18.6 .6
Malaysia 1.78 71.8 2.3
Mexico 2.28 372.8 12.2
Philippines 1.50 53.5 1.7
Portugal 5.60 14.5 .5
Singapore 3.13 67.2 2.2
South Africa 4.47 14.5 .5
Taiwan 4.55 37.0 1.2
Thailand 1.11 36.1 1.2
Venezuela 3.59 34.3 1.0
Non-sample countries 206.8
  1. Average hourly wage paid to production workers of MOFA's, 1989.
  2. To ensure the statistical significance of the data underlying the distinction between "high-wage" and "low-wage" countries, the analysis is restricted to a sample of host countries having the largest presence of manufacturing MOFA's, based on the 1989 benchmark survey of U.S. direct investment abroad. To be included in the sample, a country must have hosted manufacturing MOFA's that together had at least 10,000 employees in that year; such countries accounted for roughly 95 percent of all employment by manufacturing MOFA's in that year.
  3. The distinction between "high-wage" and "low-wage" countries is based on estimates of average hourly wages of production workers of manufacturing MOFA's from the 1989 benchmark survey. High-wage countries are defined as those with average hourly wages higher than $9.30 (the unweighted average hourly wage in 1989 of all countries included in the sample), and low-wage countries are defined as those with average hourly wages lower than that level.

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