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The Issue | Science Objectives | Research Highlights

The Issue

A major problem facing risk assessors is an incomplete understanding of the modes or mechanisms by which environmental agents produce their toxicity. Mode of action information may be used in the risk assessment process to reduce default assumptions, such as extrapolation from laboratory animal data to humans. It also may provide the basis for assessing cumulative risk based on mode of action as required by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. The application of emerging molecular methods to better understand mode of action has been facilitated by the development of micro-array approaches to measure changes occurring at the genetic level. These new methods potentially can measure simultaneous changes in thousands of genes, which could accelerate EPA's ability to identify toxic effects, as well as the cellular and biochemical pathways that underlie those effects.

Science Objective

The objectives of this research effort are to identify and develop molecular methods that can be used in other research to identify and characterize modes of action in the risk assessment context.

Research Goals:

Research Highlights


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