Montana/Dakotas News Release
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Date:  November 12, 2008
Contact:  Ann Boucher (406) 896-5011   

BLM to Begin Pile Burning 

This winter the Bureau of Land Management will begin burning slash piles from hazardous fuels treatments near Lead and Sturgis, S.D.

Near Sturgis, burning will take place throughout the Fort Meade Recreation Area. Near Lead, burning will take place near Rutabaga Gulch, Nevada Gulch, Englewood, Hearst Subdivision, and Deer Mountain.

These projects are all on BLM-managed lands. When finished, crews hope to have completed burning on about 375 acres. 

Pile burning will take place only when there are at least two inches snow on the ground and the three day forecast calls for continued snow coverage. Smoke will be monitored to minimize impacts to smoke sensitive areas.

Crews from the BLM and the state of South Dakota will be working cooperatively in these areas as long as weather conditions warrant. For further information, contact Ryan Larson at (605) 892-7000 or (605) 210-0284.





Last updated: 11-13-2008