Montana/Dakotas News Release
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Date:  August 15, 2007
Contact: Travis Lipp, (605) 720-0747 

Tree Thinning Near Lead To Reduce Wildland Fire Danger  
The South Dakota Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is planning a two-phased project to reduce hazardous fuels south of Lead, S.D., near the Jaybird Subdivision and Yellow Creek Road. 
In the first phase, 182 acres of dense ponderosa pine will be thinned. The project will begin this fall and should be completed within two or three years.
The thinning will reduce the potential for wildland fires to spread from tree crown to tree crown, as well as decrease the threat from mountain pine beetles and create a healthier forest.
Some firewood will be made available to local and surrounding communities. Slash will be treated by piling, chipping, or mastication. 
The second phase will begin two to five years after completion of the first phase. It will include prescribed burns on a maximum of 220 acres. All prescribed burning activities will follow an approved BLM prescribed fire burn plan. 
Prescribed fire will be the primary long-term maintenance treatment for this project area. It will reduce hazardous fuel accumulations, maintain stands of ponderosa pine, rejuvenate decadent aspen stands, and enhance native plant species.
These projects may be appealed. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Travis Lipp in the BLM South Dakota Field Office at (605) 720-0747.



Last updated: 08-15-2007