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2009 Economic Stimulus: NCSL has launched an electronic discussion board on the economic stimulus. This service will help answer legislators' questions about ARRA and serve as a forum for exchanging ideas. (5/5/2009)


H1N1 Flu Public Health Alert: NCSL provides the most up-to-date and relevant information on the H1N1 flu outbreak that will help state legislators and legislative staff stay abreast of the federal and state responses. (5/1/2009)

Maine State Capitol

Maine Becomes 5th State to Legalize Gay Marriage: The Maine Legislature passed and the governor signed legislation approving same-sex marriage. NCSL has more information on this along with civil unions and domestic partnerships. (5/6/2009)

Spring Forum

Spring Forum Recorded Session: Listen to over a dozen sessions that were recorded at NCSL's Spring Forum in Washington, D.C. (5/1/2009)


GrassCatcher: May 7 Policy News Clippings: State seeks to revamp way doctors, hospitals are paid. Colorado death penalty survives. Plus, sending of explicit photos can land teens in legal fix. (5/7/2009)


2009 National Redistricting Seminar: NCSL will stage a series of training seminars to help states with the Redistricting Process. The first Redistricting Seminar will be on June 11-14, 2009 in San Francisco, California. (4/21/2009)


States Face Dire Fiscal Situation: The current state fiscal crisis began in FY 2008 for 19 states and Puerto Rico. FY 2011 will mark the fourth consecutive year of fiscal problems for many states, with no end in sight. (4/23/2009)

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