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[logo] Tools for a New Era of Recycling

This Web site contains tools and information for local governments and community leaders seeking to create or maintain a residential recycling program.

Residential recycling programs can be difficult to sustain. However, communities across the country have developed successful strategies for maintaining and expanding residential recycling programs, and some communities have even turned these programs into cost-saving operations. These Web pages are designed to help local governments and community leaders learn how to make recycling work in their area. Topics on these pages include:

Related Links

Recycle on the Go

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

What You Can Do

The U.S. plastics recycling industry is severely undersupplied. So, it is important for municipalities across the country to know that there are domestic reclaimers eager to purchase their plastic bottles to make hundreds of different new products from recycled plastic for the consumer market here in the United States. If we can secure our supplies, we can grow our businesses and stabilize the post consumer recycling market in the U.S.

- Steve M. Navedo, Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers

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