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2009 EPA Factsheet (PDF) (3 pp, 71 K)

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EPA has revised its SBIR Factsheet (PDF) (3 pp, 71 K) to more clearly convey the EPA and NSF SBIR Opportunities that are currently available. Both agencies have SBIR Phase 1 opportunities currently available through open RFAs. NSF opportunities have been enhanced with "stimulus funding".

The information originally provided in this special announcement said:

This may have lead our web site users to believe that EPA was offering SBIR opportunities funded by the stimulus package. EPA's SBIR Phase 1 RFA is now open, and we anticipate issuing a total of $1.8 M in awards, however those awards will be funded by our standard SBIR funds. The increased environmental technology funding opportunities using stimulus funds are only available through NSF.

The previous "Stimulus (PDF)" link on our SBIR page originally linked to a factsheet that referenced “stimulus package”, i.e., American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds that are available to small businesses. That original factsheet may not have clearly conveyed that these funds are available through the NSF SBIR program, not the EPA SBIR Program. EPA has revised its SBIR Factsheet (PDF) (3 pp, 71 K). to more clearly convey what EPA and NSF SBIR Opportunities are currently available.

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