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Welcome to the Village of Long Grove's website.

  Swine Flu information
 Click here for current CDC update.

Workshop for Homeowners Associations:
          Maintenance (Techniques or Practices) for
          Subdivision Drainage Systems
- May 14, 2009
          at 6:30 p.m.
  Click here for additional information.

      SWALCO Household Chemical Waste

      Collections. Click here for details (PDF).          
      Referenda Information
Click here for information (PDF).

      2009-2010 Village Budget
Click here for details.

      Lake Michigan Water Referendum Information
Click here for details.

      Cable Television Franchise Agreement
click here for details.

      TIF Information

      Project Updates
Menard's and Sunset Grove - Click here for information.
Oakwood Road Bridge - Click here for information.

       Candidate Petition Filing Dates

Click here for information.

Connect-CTY, a new village-to-resident notification
       system has been launched.  If you have NOT already
       received a test phone call from us, or you would like to
       provide additional contact information, please click the
       Connect-CTY image at the right to sign up. Click here
       for more information.

       2008-2009 Final Budget Documents
       Downtown Long Grove Master Plan

       B-1 and B-1A (Downtown Area) TIF Information
       and Meeting Schedule

Need directions?  Click here.

Looking for a downloadable form? Click here.




Disclaimer: This website is provided as a courtesy to residents and other visitors.  Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.  The Village of Long Grove assumes no liability, either directly or indirectly, from damages incurred as a result of information contained on this website. Please contact the village office at 847-634-9440 if you have any questions about the content of the website.