Environmental Education and Training
The BLM strives to realize healthier and more productive public lands through better informed citizens and well trained employees who are willing to participate and assist in managing the BLM administered public lands and solving complex environmental problems found in this 261 million-acre laboratory.
To achieve this goal of well trained employees and informed citizens, BLM offers two sites:
(1) For informed citizens, Learning Landscapes -- This site presents learning opportunities associated with the 261 million acres of public lands that BLM manages for all Americans. We have gathered information for students, teachers and adult learners to use both in the classroom, in informal outdoor settings, or in ‘virtual’ classrooms and included resources from many of our field offices scattered mostly throughout the Western United States. Click here for the Learning Landscapes Environmental Education web site.
(2) For well trained employees, the National Training Center (NTC) in Phoenix, Arizona. NTC offers over 200 courses annually making it a primary source for BLM training in natural resources and leadership. However, NTC's service to the federal community doesn't end there, as many courses are available to employees of other agencies through tuition programs. NTC is also a leader in instructional television and produces courses that are broadcast via satellite to over 130 BLM Satellite Network sites nationally. Broadcasts are not encrypted and are available to other agencies. NTC, with its full-service television capability has become the communications hub for BLM, providing an excellent means for agency leadership to keep field employees informed of law and policy changes. Click here for the NTC web site.