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Friday, October 26, 2007

Office of the CEO


CEO Message on Senate Passage of FY 2008 National Service Budget


Dear Colleagues,

The Senate completed action Wednesday on the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for Fiscal 2008. The bill recommends $880,909,000 for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs, the same level approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 21. The numbers break down as follows:

  • Senior Corps: $217,586,000
    • RSVP: $59,685,000
    • Foster Grandparent: $110,937,000
    • Senior Companion: $46,964,000
  • AmeriCorps VISTA: $95,468,000
  • AmeriCorps Grants: $275,775,000
  • National Service Trust: $117,720,000
  • State Commission Administrative Grants: $12,516,000
  • AmeriCorps NCCC: $31,789,000
  • Learn and Serve America: $39,125,000
  • Partnership Grants: $0
  • Innovation, Demonstration, and Assistance: $10,550,000
  • Evaluation: $3,960,000
  • Salaries & Expenses: $69,520,000
  • Inspector General: $6,900,000

Total: $880,909,000

The House recommended $843,381,000 for national service programs in their version of the Labor-HSS-Education bill passed on July 19. The next step is a joint House and Senate conference committee to resolve differences between the two measures. As a reminder, the Corporation and other government programs are currently operating on a Continuing Resolution that keeps programs operating through November 17 at the current fiscal year 2007 levels.

Bill text, committee reports, charts, testimony, and other budget materials are available on the Corporation’s website by clicking here.

In Service,

David Eisner


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