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Superfund Program Implements the Recovery Act

Crossley Farm

Hereford Township, Pennsylvania

Site Description
The Crossley Farm site addresses a trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated ground water plume in a rural residential area located near Hereford Township, PA.  The former farmland became a 24-acre disposal area, starting with drum disposal in the late 1960s that continued into the early 1970s.  In the 1980s, solvent wastes containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were poured directly onto exposed, fractured bedrock, allowing immediate infiltration to occur. 

Cleanup Activities to Date  
Since adding it to the National Priorities List in 1992, EPA has been addressing the site through two parts or operable units (OUs).  One part of the site involves placement of carbon treatment units on residential drinking water wells, which EPA installed in 1997.  The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has been overseeing operation and maintenance of the units since 2000.  The second OU addresses an estimated three-mile TCE-contaminated ground water plume.  In 2008, EPA issued a decision document to address this second operable unit, which calls for the installation of ground water extraction wells at locations where TCE-contamination is detected above 1,000 parts per billion.  An on-site treatment plant also will be constructed that will treat the ground water by filtration, iron removal, air stripping, and off-gas treatment and carbon absorption, if necessary.  

Recovery Act Project Activity
EPA will use the up to $5 million in Recovery Act funds allocated to this site to start the construction necessary to begin the site’s ground water cleanup activities.  Once this project is completed and the plume is addressed, EPA will focus future cleanup efforts on the source area. 

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