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(Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever)

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The ELITE Program
Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation (ELITE)

Coming April 2009


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ELITE Application

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Although Legionella spp. Live in a wide variety of freshwater habitats, they can be difficult to isolate. Culture and enumeration of Legionella from environmental sources involve several steps including concentration of the bacteria, resuspension, selective pre-treatments, and the use of complex media. Use of a suitable isolation protocol is critical for determining whether Legionella are present in a sample and at what concentration. The ELITE Program was created as a way for laboratories to test their Legionella isolation techniques against standardized samples.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does the program work?

You will receive a panel of 6 test samples biannually. Test samples are lyophilized preparations that may contain Legionella and other microorganisms commonly found in fresh water. You will be asked to process the samples according to your lab’s standard protocols and report the results on our electronic form. Your results will be scored as soon as they are submitted.

Note: You must have internet access to participate in the ELITE Program.

  1. What do I receive for a passing score?

Labs that successfully isolate Legionella from two consecutive test sample panels will receive a Certificate of Proficiency and be listed on the website as ELITE Members. The ELITE Members List is accessible to the general public and is designed to provide guidance for those with a need to determine the Legionella colonization status of their property. The Certificate of Proficiency and ELITE Member listing will immediately be available once passing results are submitted.

  1. What happens if I fail?

The overall goal of the ELITE Program is to ensure that industry practices achieve the highest standards and reliability. ELITE Program administrators will work with labs that receive failing scores to improve their techniques by providing protocols, guidelines, and the latest techniques. However, failing two or more consecutive test panels may result in suspension of ELITE Member status. There is no other penalty for failing scores. There will never be a public list of failing labs.

  1. Will my information be available to others?

Only contact information for ELITE Members who receive Certificates of Proficiency will be posted on the ELITE Members List. You may decline to have this information posted. All other personal information, such as test panel results and demographic information, will be kept strictly confidential. The ELITE website will post an aggregate report which anonymously combines data from all ELITE Program Participants.

  1. What else is available on the website?

In addition to providing a list of all proficient ELITE Members, the website will provide you with individual reports so you can see your results and how you compare with other ELITE Program Members, though other ELITE Program Members will not be listed by name. There are helpful links to policy guidelines, protocols, and the latest news on Legionella.

  1. How much does it cost?

The ELITE Program is free!

  1. Who may enroll?

Any laboratory located in the United States or its territories that processes environmental samples for culture of Legionella is invited to join. This includes commercial labs of any size, state and local public health labs, or university laboratories.

  1. How do I enroll?

To receive a Pre-Launch enrollment package send your contact information (name, address, email address) by mail, fax, or email to:

Mailing address:
ELITE Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd NE
Mailstop G03
Atlanta, GA 30333

Fax number: (866) 638-0199

Email address:

Note: You must have internet access to participate in the ELITE Program.

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ELITE Program Pilot Study

You are invited to participate in a special pre-launch version of the ELITE Program. Because this is an entirely new program and industry standard practices can vary greatly, we have decided to perform a pilot study before allowing open enrollment to the ELITE Program. Pilot Study Participants will assist us in determining fair thresholds of Legionella detection and provide feedback for website design. Pilot Study Participants will:

  • Receive and process 4 samples. Shipment dates/results entry deadlines are:
    • September/October 2008
    • November/December 2008
    • January/February 2009
    • March/April 2009
  • Respond to two Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Be the first ELITE Members listed when open enrollment begins in April 2009

Because only a limited number of labs will be able to participate in the Pilot Study, labs that are not selected will automatically be enrolled in the ELITE Program in April 2009 under accelerated status, requiring only one passing score to become a full ELITE Member. Accelerated status members will receive their test panel in March 2009.

Deadline for enrollment in the Pilot Study/Accelerated Status Program is SEPTEMBER 1, 2008

To enroll in the ELITE Pilot Study/Accelerated Status Program mail, fax, or email your contact information (name, address, email address) to:

Mailing address:
ELITE Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd NE
Mailstop G03
Atlanta, GA 30333

Fax number: (866) 638-0199

Email address:

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Page Last Modified: April 1, 2009
Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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