Table G.—Principal Source Data for 1996 Industry and Commodity Output

Commodity and industry Source data for extrapolation Price index
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries:
01 Livestock and livestock products Cash receipts from marketings and inventory change from USDA Prices received by farmers from USDA
02 Other agricultural products Cash receipts from marketings and inventory change from USDA Prices received by farmers from USDA
03 Forestry and fishery products For forestry, shipments of logging camps and contractors from Census Bureau annual survey; for fishery products, wages and salaries from BLS For forestry, PPI's; for fishery products, IPD for fish landed
04 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Wages and salaries from BLS Composite index of wages and salaries per employee from BLS, farm prices, and PPI's
05+06 Metallic ores mining Physical quantity: produced times average price; for uranium, physical quantity and average price from DOE; for all others, quantities and prices from USGS IPD for metallic minerals from DOE and USGS
07 Coal mining Physical quantity produced times average price from DOE IPD for coal from DOE
08 Crude petroleum and natural gas Physical quantity produced times average price from DOE IPD for crude petroleum and natural gas from DOE, except for natural gas liquids (PPI)
09 Nonmetallic minerals mining Physical quantity produced times average price, both from USGS IPD for nonmetallic minerals from USGS
11 New construction including own-account construction Value put in place from Census Bureau monthly construction survey; expenditures from Federal regulatory agencies and trade sources, Department of Agriculture surveys BEA price index for new construction
12 Maintenance and repair construction including own-account construction Census Bureau annual surveys and BLS survey of expenditures by owner occupants BEA price index for maintenance and repair construction
Manufacturing Shipments and inventory change from Census Bureau annual survey PPI's, BEA computer price index, BEA semiconductor price index, BEA digital telephone-switching equipment price index, and BEA price indexes based on DOD prices paid for military equipment
Transportation, communication, and utilities:
65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation For railroad transportation, total operating revenue for Class I railroads from trade source, and AMTRAK; for taxicabs, PCE; for local and suburban transit, trade source For railroads, IPD for freight and passenger ton-miles from trade source; for taxicabs, CPI; for intercity buses, IPD for passenger revenue-miles from trade source; for school buses, wages and salaries per employee from BLS; for other local transit, IPD for passenger trips from trade source
65B Motor freight transportation and warehousing Census Bureau annual survey IPD for freight ton-miles from trade source
65C Water transportation For marinas, wages and salaries from BLS; for marine cargo handling, tonnage handled from Army Corps of Engineers; for other water transportation, trade sources For marinas, PCE price index; for marine cargo handling, wages and salaries per employee from BLS; for other water transportation, composite index of PPI's and BEA price indexes
65D Air transportation Operating revenues of air carriers and of Federal Express from DOT and public sources IPD for revenue passenger miles and freight ton-miles from DOT
65E Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services For pipelines, operating revenues from trade source; for freight forwarders and related services, freight revenues from Census Bureau annual surveys and trade sources; for arrangement of passenger transportation, Census Bureau annual survey For pipelines, IPD for ton miles from trade source. For arrangement of passenger transportation and freight forwarders, PPI; for related services, wages and salaries per employee from BLS
66 Communications, except radio and TV Census Bureau annual survey For cellular telephone services, PCE price index; for other telephone services, PPI
67 Radio and TV broadcasting Census Bureau annual survey For advertising, cost indexes from trade sources. For cable television, PPI
68A Electric services (utilities) For private utilities, revenues from DOE. For rural cooperatives, revenues from USDA PPI
68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) Revenues of gas pipeline and utilities from DOE IPD for BTU's from trade sources
68C Water and sanitary services Revenues from trade source CPI
Wholesale and retail trade:
69A Wholesale trade Census Bureau annual survey For all except equipment rental by manufacturers sales offices, sales price index by kind-of-business computed from PPI's; for equipment rental, BEA capital stock price index
69B Retail trade Census Bureau annual survey Sales price index by kind-of-business computed from PPI's
Finance, insurance, and real estate:
70A Finance For priced services of depository and nondepository institutions (check collection, wire, transfer, clearing houses, etc.), from the DOTr; for imputed service charges, regulatory agencies and FED; for security and commodity brokers, receipts from SEC and interest from SEC For imputed service charges, CPI price index; for priced services, CPI for personal financial services; for security and commodity brokers, IPD from SEC and trade sources; for other services, GDP IPD
70B Insurance For insurance carriers from trade sources; for insurance agents, brokers, and services, receipts from IRS tabulations of business tax returns For health and life insurance, PCE price indexes. For all other insurance, BEA composite price index of IPD for workers compensation and CPI for auto and property insurance; for agents, brokers, and services, insurance carrier composite price indexes weighted by commissions from trade sources
71A Owner-occupied dwellings Census Bureau annual surveys CPI
71B Real estate and royalties For tenant-occupied dwellings, Census Bureau annual surveys; for royalties, IRS tabulations of business tax returns For nonfarm business rental and property management, rental rate per square foot from trade source; for condominium association fees and for home maintenance and repair services, CPI; for all other, BEA price indexes
72A Hotels and lodging places Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey Room-rate index from trade source
72B Personal and repair services (except auto) Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey CPI
73A Computer and data processing services, including own-account software For own-account software, BEA; for all other receipts, Census Bureau annual survey For prepackaged software, BEA price index; for computer equipment rental, BEA capital stock price index; for custom programming and own-account software, BEA own-account software price index; for all others, wages and salaries per employee from BLS
73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey For legal services, CPI; for accounting services, PCE price index ; for engineering and related services, PPI and wages and salaries per employee from BLS
73C Other business and professional services, except medical Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey CPI.
73D Advertising Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey Cost indexes by type of media from trade sources
74 Eating and drinking places Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey CPI
75 Automotive repair and services Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey CPI
76 Amusements Receipts from Census Bureau annual survey CPI
77A Health services For hospitals, receipts from trade sources; other health services, receipts from Census Bureau annual survey For hospitals, PPI; for other health services, PPI; for physicians services, CPI and HCFA index of input prices for other services
77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations For private education and social services, BLS ; for membership organizations, Census Bureau annual surveys PCE price index
Government enterprises:
78 Federal Government enterprises For the post office, U.S. Postal Service receipts; for electric utilities, DOE; for other enterprises U.S. Budget documents For U.S. Postal Service and for Federal electric utilities, PPI; for other enterprises, BEA composite price index
79 State and local government enterprises For electric utilities, DOE, for other enterprises Census annual surveys For electric utilities, PPI; for transit, composite price index based on PCE price indexes for private transit; for other enterprises, BEA composite price index
80 Noncomparable imports No domestic measures of industry and commodity output BLS import price indexes
81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Census Bureau annual surveys PPI
82 General government industry Employee compensation and consumption of fixed capital from BEA BEA price indexes
83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses No domestic measures of industry and commodity output n.a.
84 Household industry Employee compensation from BLS BEA price index based on BLS prices
85 Inventory valuation adjustmentBEAn.a.

BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis

BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics

CPI Consumer Price Index (BLS)

DOC U.S. Department of Commerce

DOD U.S. Department of Defense

DOE U.S. Department of Energy

DOT U.S. Department of Transportation

DOTr U.S. Department of the Treasury

FED Federal Reserve Board

FCC Federal Communications Commission

HCFA Health Care Financing Administration

ICC Interstate Commerce Commission

IPD Implicit price deflator (BEA)

IRS Internal Revenue Service

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NRPC National Railroad Passenger Corporation

PCE Personal consumption expenditures (BEA)

PPI Producer Price Index (BLS)

SEC Securities and Exchange Commission

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture

USGS U.S. Geological Survey (Office of Minerals)

n.a. Not applicable.