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2009 MARCH–APRIL No. 367
April 03, 2009 [posted]

NLM® Journal Donation Program

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A s the library of record for biomedicine, the National Library of Medicine® (NLM) places a high priority on preserving its print collections.

On March 4, 2009, NLM launched a new NLM Journal Donation Program to ensure that its holdings of journals, indexes, and other serials are as complete as possible. The program encourages libraries to donate volumes that are not already in the NLM collection. For pre-1871 journal volumes, the History of Medicine Division also is interested in replacing deteriorating volumes. More information is available at:

By Karen L. Sinkule
Preservation and Collection Management Section

Sinkule KL. NLM® Journal Donation Program. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Mar-Apr;(367):e9.

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