Protect Your Privacy - Online Privacy

In addition to following the general advice on protecting your privacy, make sure you only use websites with acceptable privacy policies.

  • Look for a privacy policy statement or seal that indicates the site abides by privacy standards. Take time to read how your privacy is protected.
  • Look for signals that you are using a secure web page. A secure site encrypts or scrambles personal information so it cannot be easily intercepted. Signals include a screen notice that says you are on a secure site, a closed lock or unbroken key in the bottom corner of your screen, or the first letters of the Internet address you are viewing changes from "http" to "https."

Another threat to your privacy is spyware, which is sneaky software that rides its way onto computers when you download screensavers, games, music, and other applications. Spyware sends information about what you're doing on the Internet to a third-party, usually to target you with pop-up ads. Browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox, and search engines like Google enable you to block pop-ups. You can also install anti-spyware to stop this threat to your privacy.

Protecting Children Online

The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act requires commercial websites to obtain parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13. For more information, contact the FTC or click on Kids Privacy at