Home > International Economic Accounts > U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Data

Direct Investment: Balance of Payments and Position Data

Data available from these tables differ in two respects from data in the U.S. international investment position and in the U.S. international transactions accounts. First, the data available from these tables are on a historical-cost basis, the only basis on which detailed data by country and by industry are available. In contrast, the aggregate data on the direct investment position that are included in the international investment position are presented on both a current-cost and a market-value basis, and the aggregate data on direct investment income (recorded in the current account) and capital flows (recorded in the financial account) in the U.S. international transactions accounts are presented on a current-cost basis. Second, prior to 2006, data on direct investment income and services available from these tables, unlike those in the U.S. international transactions accounts, are net (after deduction) of U.S. and foreign withholding taxes. Data that are gross of withholding taxes were not available at the detailed country by industry level.   However, for 2006 forward, data are presented gross (before deduction) of U.S. and foreign withholding taxes.

Last updated: Friday, August 08, 2008