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Greetings from the Brockton, MA Chapter 422

Harris O'Brasky, Chapter Chair


Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter of SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) is part of a national nonprofit association dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of the nation's small business. SCORE volunteers serve as "Counselors to America's Small Business."


Southeastern Mass SCORE provides free and confidential business counseling tailored to meet the needs of your small business and your personal objectives. Southeastern Mass SCORE also offers workshops, for a modest fee, for both start-up entrepreneurs and in-business small business owners.


SCORE volunteers are professionals with time-tested knowledge who donate thousands of hours to help small businesses succeed. Counselors are experts in such areas as accounting, finance, marketing, management and business plan preparation.

The Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter is comprised of more than 30 volunteers that provide guidance and counseling to entrepreneurs in southeastern Massachusetts. Contact Us to learn more about our services. We look forward to serving you.

Ask SCORE for Business Advice
Contact Southeastern Mass SCORE to get face-to-face counseling & advice. Or, tap into SCORE's national network of virtual volunteers and ask for small business advice online 24/7. Either way, counseling is free and confidential.

Find a Counselor Now

Volunteer Corner
Nationwide 10,500 men and women donate their time and expertise to assist America's entrepreneurs. Call our chapter office at 508/587-2673 to request a volunteer application.

Become a Volunteer

SCORE National Volunteer Center

U.S. Small Business Administration Logo SCORE is a Resource Partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration

With sponsorship support from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation