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DOI 2008 Business Integration Conference
March 31 - April 3, 2008
Cambridge, Maryland

Cheapest way to get required training credits!

IT Acquisition
Finance Budget
Supervision Property
Ethics Diversity



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     Call us now @ 303-445-2400 !

We are pleased to announce the 2008 DOI Business Integration Conference, per the Assistant Secretary of Business Management and Wildland Fire Memo (1/31/08). This year's conference will be held March 31st through April 3rd, 2008, at the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland.

Target Audience:  Headquarters, Regional and field office management and staff who need to work across business lines. 

This year's conference theme , “Making the Grade” is designed to keep motivation high as we:

  • run the lights in scorecard improvement
  • strive for conservation and efficiencies
  • embrace change

The conference is designed to provide a single opportunity for Interior and Bureau staffs to:

  • Become familiar with and implement our initiatives in "Making the Grade."
  • Receive required training in subject matters related to ethics, finance, property, budget and performance, human resources, information technology, acquisition, financial assistance, civil rights and diversity.
  • Receive first hand status and see the progress made in the implementation of the new Financial and Business Management System, the enterprise business system being deployed to all of Interior.

We invite you to attend and look forward to a successful conference!

For additional information or questions pertaining to the conference, please contact Karla Smiley, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau Procurement Chief at (303) 445-2400 or ksmiley@do.usbr.gov.


Quick Links
BWI Airport
City of Cambridge
Dorchester County
Talbot County
St. Michaels
Blackwater NWR
Queenstown Outlets