Armando Galindo, the new DOI SMIS Manager, has started work! Armando has extensive experience with web based safety and occupational health management systems, data bases, and has experience managing large safety and health programs. He has already mastered SMIS, so, if you have any questions you can email Armando at

Welcome to SafetyNet

SafetyNet is the one-stop safety and health information source for the Department of the Interior (DOI). SafetyNet promotes safety awareness within the DOI community, and acquaints managers, employees, volunteers and safety and health professionals with the DOI Safety and Occupational Health Program’s (SOHP) objectives and how to achieve them.

Protecting life and property through the incorporation of safety into the Department’s and bureaus’ core management systems is the fundamental tenet of the DOI SOHP. SafetyNet is one tool, and DOI safety managers are one asset available to managers to help reduce the risks their employees face every day on the job.


Safety Week 2009 will be celebrated at Main Interior May 19 through 21, 2009. Safety week will be preceded by contests including one for identification of hazards with inter bureau competition. The week itself will begin with a safety and health information fair on May 19, with exhibitors providing safety and health to interested employees. On May 20, there will be a health fair sponsored by the DOI Health Unit. On the last day of the celebration, these will be a ceremony in the MIB penthouse with presentations on safety expectations across DOI and award given for the various contests.

What is your bureau or office doing for Safety Week?


DOI Presents Safety Awards at Convocation

The 2008 Safety Awards will be presented by the Secretary at the DOI Awards Convocation in May. Convocation is the Secretary’s opportunity to honor employees with Distinguished Service, Bravery and Safety Awards. These are the Department’s highest honor awards. There will two categories of Safety Awards presented, Safety Awards of Excellence honoring individuals, and Group Safety Awards honoring groups. This is the Department of the Interior’s 65th Awards Convocation, please plan on attending.

Proposed Senate Bill to Assume Federal Firefighter Illnesses are Job-Related

Senators Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) introduced the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act (S. 599) March 16, that would require the government to assume that certain illnesses are associated with firefighting for federal firefighters. Currently, the federal law does not require the federal government to recognize such illnesses as job-related, which creates a burden for federal firefighters to prove they qualify for disability. When a federal firefighter suffers from an occupational illness, he/she must specify the precise exposure to the cause of the illness.

Obama Nominates Brian Kennedy for Assistant Labor Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs

President Obama announced to the White House on March 19 his nomination for assistant labor secretary for congressional and intergovernmental affairs, Brian Kennedy. The Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs acts as the labor department's liaison to Congress and to state and local official.

Kennedy currently serves as General Counsel to Chairman George Miller of the House Education and Labor Committee. He also served as labor coordinator and chief labor counsel to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy for the Clinton Administration and as the deputy national director for the Job Corps program at the Department of Labor.

U.S. Department of the Interior
Occupational Health and Safety Program - SafetyNet
1849 C Street, N.W., MS 5230-MIB • Washington, D.C. 20240
(202) 208-7702 • (303) 236-7128 x229
Last Updated on 04/24/09