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BLM>Colorado>Resources>Public Room>Map Information>Map Sales/Ordering FAQs
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Map Sales/Ordering FAQs
Q. How can I obtain BLM maps?
A. You may send a check or money order for the cost of the maps plus shipping to the BLM Colorado State Office or the respective field office. You may also call us Monday thru Friday 9-4 MST, with your VISA/MasterCard and maps will be mailed the same day. All maps are $4 each. A MAP INDEX and ORDER FORM are available online to assist you in your selection, or if you'd prefer we will mail you copies. At this time we do not accept orders over the internet.
You may also order the maps online for $7.00 from the Public Lands Information Center a non-profit organization assisting the public with recreation and publication information about BLM and the USFS.
Q. How much do they cost?
A. All maps ordered from BLM are $4 each, plus postage.
MAPS (1:100,000 Surface and Mineral Management Status)
$4.00 (1-49 maps)
$2.40 (50 or more)
Volume discount applies to same or mixed map titles totaling 50 or more
Volume discount applies to maps sold at BLM offices or BLM internet sites
Other MAPS (Published by BLM)
All BLM maps sold to the public
Numerous requests for maps of various types are received by the Bureau of Land Management. We have assembled the following quick response for your inquiry.
A.  A resource map of the entire state of Colorado, 1:500,000 scale showing state and federal ownership (Forest Service, BLM, Park Service and Indian and Military reservations) in color is available. The overall size is 52 X 44 inches, and it also shows township and range designations. Click the sample portion below (Not to scale).

Thumbnail of 500K State Map.
B.  Available on an intermediate scale (1:100,000) are 30 X 60 minute quadrangle maps showing contours and elevations in meters/feet, highways, roads, and other man made structures, water features, geographic names, federal surface and mineral ownership. Maps in this series are 42 X 30 inches and include township, range and section designation.
There are two editions in this series:
1.  SURFACE MANAGEMENT: Color coded maps showing the public lands managed by the BLM, National Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife, lands managed by the state, and private lands. Restrictions in the management of federal lands established by withdrawals are also shown. 56 maps cover the entire state. Click the sample portion below (Not to scale).

Thumbnail of 100K BLM map.
2.  SURFACE/MINERALS MANAGEMENT: Federally owned mineral rights are overprinted on the Surface Management editions. Some maps, having little federal surface ownership, are available in this version only.
USGS topographic maps: Scale 1:24,000 Shows contours, streams, roads, lakes, and other  physical features. Land management status is not shown but they make a more detailed companion to the BLM series of maps. Available from USGS.
For additional information, contact the Colorado State Office Information Center at (303) 239-3600, or the field office where your area of interest is located.