Topic Collection: Climate Change Issues

This page lists the most recent publications related to climate change. It includes publications issued since 1990.

Showing 74 items.

Climate Change: Observations on Federal Efforts to Adapt to a Changing Climate
GAO-09-534T, March 25, 2009
Forest Service: Emerging Issues Highlight the Need to Address Persistent Management Challenges
GAO-09-443T, March 11, 2009
Clean Coal: DOE Should Prepare a Comprehensive Analysis of the Relative Costs, Benefits, and Risks of a Range of Options for FutureGen
GAO-09-465T, March 11, 2009
NASA: Projects Need More Disciplined Oversight and Management to Address Key Challenges
GAO-09-436T, March 5, 2009
Climate Change: Observations on the Potential Role of Carbon Offsets in Climate Change Legislation
GAO-09-456T, March 5, 2009
Environmental Protection Agency: Major Management Challenges
GAO-09-434, March 4, 2009
Department of the Interior: Major Management Challenges
GAO-09-425T, March 3, 2009
Climate Change Science: High Quality Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data are a Cornerstone of Programs to Address Climate Change
GAO-09-423T, February 24, 2009
Federal Land Management: Potential Effects and Factors to Consider in a Move of the Forest Service into the Department of the Interior
GAO-09-412T, February 24, 2009
Clean Coal: DOE's Decision to Restructure FutureGen Should Be Based on a Comprehensive Analysis of Costs, Benefits, and Risks
GAO-09-248, February 13, 2009
Transportation Research: The Department of Transportation Has Made Progress in Coordinating and Reviewing Its Research Activities
GAO-09-361T, February 12, 2009
Federal Land Management: Observations on a Possible Move of the Forest Service into the Department of the Interior
GAO-09-223, February 11, 2009
Clean Air Act: Historical Information on EPA's Process for Reviewing California Waiver Requests and Making Waiver Determinations
GAO-09-249R, January 16, 2009
Natural Hazard Mitigation and Insurance: The United States and Selected Countries Have Similar Natural Hazard Mitigation Policies but Different Insurance Approaches
GAO-09-188R, December 22, 2008
International Climate Change Programs: Lessons Learned from the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme and the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism
GAO-09-151, November 18, 2008
Climate Change: Federal Actions Will Greatly Affect the Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage As a Key Mitigation Option
GAO-08-1080, September 30, 2008
Carbon Offsets: The U.S. Voluntary Market Is Growing, but Quality Assurance Poses Challenges for Market Participants
GAO-08-1048, August 29, 2008
Food Insecurity Persists in Sub-Saharan Africa despite Efforts to Halve Hunger by 2015
GAO-08-1007R, July 17, 2008
Environmental Satellites: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays; Decisions Needed on Whether and How to Ensure Climate Data Continuity
GAO-08-899T, June 19, 2008
Food Safety: Selected Countries' Systems Can Offer Insights into Ensuring Import Safety and Responding to Foodborne Illness
GAO-08-794, June 10, 2008
International Food Security: Insufficient Efforts by Host Governments and Donors Threaten Progress to Halve Hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2015
GAO-08-680, May 29, 2008
Climate Change: Expert Opinion on the Economics of Policy Options to Address Climate Change
GAO-08-605, May 9, 2008
Aviation and the Environment: NextGen and Research and Development Are Keys to Reducing Emissions and Their Impact on Health and Climate
GAO-08-706T, May 6, 2008
Economic and Other Implications of Switching from Coal to Natural Gas at the Capitol Power Plant and at Electricity-Generating Units Nationwide
GAO-08-601R, May 1, 2008
Wildland Fire Management: Federal Agencies Lack Key Long- and Short-Term Management Strategies for Using Program Funds Effectively
GAO-08-433T, February 12, 2008
Climate Change Research: Agencies Have Data-Sharing Policies but Could Do More to Enhance the Availability of Data from Federally Funded Research
GAO-07-1172, September 28, 2007
Natural Hazard Mitigation: Various Mitigation Efforts Exist, but Federal Efforts Do Not Provide a Comprehensive Strategic Framework
GAO-07-403, August 22, 2007
Climate Change: Agencies Should Develop Guidance for Addressing the Effects on Federal Land and Water Resources
GAO-07-863, August 7, 2007
Climate Change: Financial Risks to Federal and Private Insurers in Coming Decades are Potentially Significant
GAO-07-820T, May 3, 2007
Climate Change: Financial Risks to Federal and Private Insurers in Coming Decades are Potentially Significant
GAO-07-760T, April 19, 2007
Climate Change: Financial Risks to Federal and Private Insurers in Coming Decades Are Potentially Significant
GAO-07-285, March 16, 2007
Crude Oil: Uncertainty about Future Oil Supply Makes It Important to Develop a Strategy for Addressing a Peak and Decline in Oil Production
GAO-07-283, February 28, 2007
Climate Change: Federal Agencies Should Do More to Make Funding Reports Clearer and Encourage Progress on Two Voluntary Programs
GAO-06-1126T, September 27, 2006
Climate Change: Greater Clarity and Consistency Are Needed in Reporting Federal Climate Change Funding
GAO-06-1122T, September 21, 2006
Climate Change: EPA and DOE Should Do More to Encourage Progress Under Two Voluntary Programs
GAO-06-97, April 25, 2006
Climate Change: Federal Reports on Climate Change Funding Should Be Clearer and More Complete
GAO-05-461, August 25, 2005
Climate Change Assessment: Administration Did Not Meet Reporting Deadline
GAO-05-338R, April 14, 2005
Climate Change: Analysis of Two Studies of Estimated Costs of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol
GAO-04-144R, January 30, 2004
Climate Change: Selected Nations' Reports on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Varied in Their Adherence to Standards
GAO-04-98, December 23, 2003
Climate Change: Trends in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Intensity in the United States and Other High-Emitting Nations
GAO-04-146R, October 28, 2003
Climate Change: Preliminary Observations on the Administration's February 2002 Climate Initiative
GAO-04-131T, October 1, 2003
Freshwater Supply: States' View of How Federal Agencies Could Help Them Meet the Challenges of Expected Shortages
GAO-03-514, July 9, 2003
Climate Change: Information on Three Air Pollutants' Climate Effects and Emissions Trends
GAO-03-25, April 28, 2003
International Environment: U.S. Actions to Fulfill Committments Under Five Key Agreements
GAO-03-249, January 29, 2003
International Environment: U.S. Actions to Fulfill Commitments Under Five Key Agreements
GAO-02-960T, July 24, 2002
Climate Change: Observations on EPA's March 2000 Climate Change Report
RCED-00-166R, June 5, 2000
Aviation and the Environment: Aviation's Effects on the Global Atmosphere Are Potentially Significant and Expected to Grow
RCED-00-57, February 18, 2000
International Environment: Experts' Observations on Enhancing Compliance With a Climate Change Agreement
RCED-99-248, August 23, 1999
Climate Change: Observations on EPA's April 1999 Climate Change Report
RCED-99-235R, July 14, 1999
International Environment: Information on Global Environment Facility's Funding and Projects
RCED-99-149, June 15, 1999
Climate Change: Observations on the April 1999 Report on Climate Change Programs
T-RCED-99-199, May 20, 1999
International Environment: Literature on the Effectiveness of International Environmental Agreements
RCED-99-148, May 1, 1999
Climate Change: Basic Issues in Considering a Credit for Early Action Program
RCED-99-23, November 27, 1998
Environmental Protection: EPA's Fiscal Year 1999 Budget Request
RCED-98-259R, September 29, 1998
Climate Change: Information on Limitations and Assumptions of DOE's Five-Lab Study
RCED-98-239, September 8, 1998
Climate Change: Information on the U.S. Initiative on Joint Implementation
RCED-98-154, June 29, 1998
Global Warming: Administration's Proposal in Support of the Kyoto Protocol
T-RCED-98-219, June 4, 1998
Department of Energy: Proposed Budget in Support of the President's Climate Change Technology Initiative
RCED-98-147, April 10, 1998
Federal Workforce: Agencies' Policies and Views on Flexiplace in the Federal Government
GGD-97-116, July 3, 1997
Global Warming: Information on the Results of Four of EPA's Voluntary Climate Change Programs
RCED-97-163, June 30, 1997
Environmental Protection Issue Area: Active Assignments
AA-97-20(2), April 15, 1997
International Environment: U.S. Funding of Environmental Programs and Activities
RCED-96-234, September 30, 1996
Global Warming: Difficulties Assessing Countries' Progress Stabilizing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
RCED-96-188, September 4, 1996
Environmental Protection Issue Area: Active Assignments
AA-96-20(4), September 3, 1996
Information on EPA's Air and Radiation Program's Budget, 1990-95
RCED-96-201R, July 1, 1996
Global Warming: Limitations of General Circulation Models
T-RCED-96-43, November 16, 1995
Global Warming: Limitations of General Circulation Models and Costs of Modeling Efforts
RCED-95-164, July 13, 1995
Air Pollution: Reductions in EPA's 1994 Air Quality Program's Budget
RCED-95-31BR, November 29, 1994
High Performance Computing: Advanced Research Projects Agency Should Do More to Foster Program Goals
IMTEC-93-24, May 17, 1993
EOS Data Policy: Questions Remain About U.S. Commercial Access
IMTEC-92-44, June 25, 1992
Global Warming: Emission Reductions Possible as Scientific Uncertainties Are Resolved
RCED-90-58, September 28, 1990
Greenhouse Effect: DOE's Programs and Activities Relevant to the Global Warming Phenomenon
RCED-90-74BR, March 5, 1990
Global Warming: Administration Approach Cautious Pending Validation of Threat
NSIAD-90-63, January 8, 1990
[Request for Settlement Review]
B-204863, October 27, 1981
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